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I love cats, and my cats first name was Fluffs. I love that cat, and it died. Never stopped crying.
My first animal I got was a kitty cat :p and her name was lizzy because she killed lizards all the time lmao
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My parents had a cat and dog before i cam along, they both died by the time i was 5. But we had a shepard named Thatcher, and a cat named sally. Now i have 2 cats and 2 dogs. one of the cats name is Niggy, the other is socks. My 2 pugs names are Boomer and Spanky.
My first dog, his name is Baxter. Hes like 10 and mean and nice idk. hes a good dog
My first fish, yep your all Jelly!
Name of fish - Jimmy!
Jimmy is the name of my cousin's dog Smile and I love him.
My first cats name was Keygo (died of AIDS, RIP 06/14/2009)
My first pets name was Sunshine, lol, and she was a dog.

(I was like 7, don't be jelly bro xD)
Bella a shi-tzu white dog. Then Rocky my gold fish.
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