03-26-2011, 10:03 PM
(03-26-2011, 08:24 PM)Nemmyy Wrote: Honestly, I hate those dogs. There's one on my block who always tries to do the same thing to my Pug. Its owner is an Asian lady who doesn't know good english so it's really annoying.
It's extremely annoying to hear him bark being he's a miniature dachshund/wiener dog. That is why I'd buy a muzzle but he seems to take it off every chance he has when I'm not looking at him.
(03-26-2011, 08:08 PM)SeePlusPlus Wrote: Just spank him everytime he barks at another dog. Bring your friends dogs over to your house to try and get it used to seeing and being around other pets.
I've spank and put him away in a room where no one is, so that he's all alone. The other thing was trying to get a dog to a different breed and he would scare them off from big to small. The only dog that he hasn't barked at is a Ddalmatian Dachshund mix. Does that mean hes like hating other breeds?