(03-20-2011, 03:48 PM)L3g1tWa5te Wrote: [ -> ]I am just wondering, how does leaked music work?
It would be considered warez.
These are all reasonable rules. I normally don't comment on these types of threads because I know you're not asking for feedback. I just wanted to comment on how simple it is to follow these.
done reading the rules and i'll be sure to follow the rules. thanks for this.
I like these rules, my favorite is the proper grammar rule.
So basically the same rules on HF.
nice rules bro keep up the good work
(10-04-2009, 04:00 PM)Omniscient Wrote: [ -> ]More staff will be chosen as the site grows. It's just me at this moment. I will be launching tonight. I have to add some plugins still. This is all just prep work.
Thanks, however I thought this site was quite old no?
A bit late, but thanks for the Update Omni
What is swear filter? I just got warning but i am unsure of what it is?
I love sf rules,here at sf no body can troll or flame and use of proper grammar keep the lqp away.Thanks for update.