(02-17-2011, 04:52 PM)lolzor60 Wrote: [ -> ]Am I allowed to purchase suff like this, when I'm 15 only?
You should be allowed to buy protein shakes but maybe not creatine as it can be dangerous for younger people.
I had it during my rugby days even though all the schools were told to advise pupils not to take creatine.
(02-17-2011, 05:47 PM)Deltron Wrote: [ -> ]If you're going to eat, make sure it's healthy. You don't want to eat fatty foods while working out.
Try eating proteins, meat, fish, and carbohydrates. What I do is eat after workouts (carbohydrates) to help recover the muscles that are broken down from my workout.
People get confused in regards to fat, unsaturated fats are essential to proper nutrition, the best sources of that are peanut oil and virgin olive oil.
In regards to the age thing, protein shakes should be fine, what Untouch said about creatine is very true, avoid it until you're older.
Thanks for the helpfull replies guys.
Will check if I can afford some protein powder
- How many times a week do you recommend for a 15 years old avergae boy?
Currently, I'm lifting 3 times a week.
Every time you train at least.
I normally have 2 different shakes 1 for before a workout and 1 for after a workout.
Cut the fat off the meat! Red meat etc has enough fat in it already~!
take cold showers to slower metabolism...
whenever you can freeze, your body slows its metabolism
I think you should definitely put some meat into your diet.
Also, 100 pounds is not average. Considering the obesity in the USA, average is about 150-170 pounds.
I'm 120 pounds, and i'm 15. Just turned.
I'm also a football / lacrosse player, and i'm in lifeguard courses to become a life guard.
But, i've got a 6 pack, and i consider myself fairly 'jacked'.
But, definitely but some meat into your diet, and gain some weight. The fact that you're going to be working out and all the extras will definitely help, and you won't get fat.
(02-17-2011, 07:36 PM)Swat Runs Train Wrote: [ -> ]People get confused in regards to fat, unsaturated fats are essential to proper nutrition, the best sources of that are peanut oil and virgin olive oil.
In regards to the age thing, protein shakes should be fine, what Untouch said about creatine is very true, avoid it until you're older.
I should have been clearer. When I stated "fatty" I meant saturated. Thanks for clearing it up.
Nice tips everybody.
When you work out and your skinny your supposed to eat alot of food believe it or not but it's actually kind of good for you