(03-06-2011, 11:10 PM)Zaros™ Wrote: [ -> ]I keep on remembering reasons! This one is for the both of them
- Can sense danger.
For Example:
Changes in weather.
( Any animal goes bonkers before and during storms. )
Emotions in their owner.
( My cats comfort me tremendously when i'm sad, and or sick. )
To keep adding to this, from something that I remembered. There are even some dogs that can sense if you are about to have a heart attack or a seizure. Which may be helpful for your life.
Yep, I think that tops it off for the main reasons why they would debate with cats over dogs. I do have a few Cons for cats though.
- Dirtiest mouth in the world.
- If they bite you, and pierce skin. Don't risk it, go to a doctor, as soon as you can. If you notice red veins going across your arms or the bite mark, hurry your ass up. ( Self experience. )
- Cleaning litterboxes
- Randomly puking from over-eating.
Something like that will happen, but mine had jagged red veins. Note this is 1-5 minutes after the bite, and already at level 9-10 pain.
This is a hard question. I have dogs before and I currently own two little kittens.
I really hope there's a third option, which is both
(03-06-2011, 11:54 PM)Syaxe Wrote: [ -> ]doggys all the way!
Sound's dirty.......
(01-10-2011, 04:39 AM)wisd0m Wrote: [ -> ]I like dogs because they can actually do things. Cats are always walking around.
So true buddy, they like to just take rest and have all the attention to them but dogs are loyal and active and they bond with the family, not like cats who eat and move around the house...
This is another non end able argument, it will always go back and forth.
I personally am a Dogs person, but Cats are really nice too.
(03-07-2011, 08:59 AM)Baked Wrote: [ -> ]This is another non end able argument, it will always go back and forth.
I personally am a Dogs person, but Cats are really nice too.
It was never meant to be an argument post, I was more or less curious on who liked what more in a poll. I also like both animals but I prefer cats because of a few values they have that dogs do not.
I don't know if I've already posted on this thread but I love both!
i like cats more but i can understand why more people like dogs