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Who's The Real Terrorists?
Yes i believe the plane was silver underneath and apparently no commercial planes were like that.
Many inconsistancies regarding this.
Thermite was the real evidence for me. To have traces of that in the air after the event.
Thermite is not something found naturally in any environment.
Its used to cause massive heat of around 2500 degrees celsius. Melting metal instantly.
Obviously used for a controlled demolition.

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Also, don't you think it was a bit fishy how when suddenly Obama steps in and kills Osama? Osama wasn't found in 10 years, until Obama came into play:

Well not only that but how they were able to get dna proof same day.
So they must have had a lab on the ship ready to take his blood and test it.
I always thought dna took longer to extract than the time from his confirmed death to the confirmation of his id.
I highly suspect he died years ago. Cant remember his complaint but he was not a well man. Cancer i think.
Then to chuck him overboard and not release pictures... dunno bit fishy if you ask me.... See my play on words lol Sad
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(12-31-2011, 10:20 PM)DAMINK™ Wrote: Well not only that but how they were able to get dna proof same day.
So they must have had a lab on the ship ready to take his blood and test it.
I always thought dna took longer to extract than the time from his confirmed death to the confirmation of his id.
I highly suspect he died years ago. Cant remember his complaint but he was not a well man. Cancer i think.
Then to chuck him overboard and not release pictures... dunno bit fishy if you ask me.... See my play on words lol Sad

I never thought about it until now, take a picture of Osama and a picture of Obama and put them next to each other. You can see the similarities.
Could you imagine the ramifications if it was proven to be real?
Imagine for example Bush gets up and says...
Yes we blew up the twin towers and actually shot down the passenger planes.
Yes we are close with the bin laden family and this was all a lie.
We bankrupted our Country for a war that had no merit.
We are just wanting to build a giant gas pipeline through some of those countries so need to get someone in power that will work with us.
Yes we sent up our emergency personal fully knowing they would die.
Yes we did lie about the toxic clouds after 9/11 but only a few will die from that.
Yes we did forge Obamas birth certificate to make it appear he is actually a US citizen.
Yes we did lie about the whole Iraq and weapons of mass destruction.
On and on and on.
But if they actually did admit to even knowledge of the event before hand i think the ramifications would be MASSIVE!
Bankrupt US for real then.
Although as im typing this i realize most western (allied) Countries probably did know something about it.
There is a whole world that exists behind closed doors.
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(12-31-2011, 10:41 PM)DAMINK™ Wrote: Could you imagine the ramifications if it was proven to be real?
Imagine for example Bush gets up and says...
Yes we blew up the twin towers and actually shot down the passenger planes.
Yes we are close with the bin laden family and this was all a lie.
We bankrupted our Country for a war that had no merit.
We are just wanting to build a giant gas pipeline through some of those countries so need to get someone in power that will work with us.
Yes we sent up our emergency personal fully knowing they would die.
Yes we did lie about the toxic clouds after 9/11 but only a few will die from that.
Yes we did forge Obamas birth certificate to make it appear he is actually a US citizen.
Yes we did lie about the whole Iraq and weapons of mass destruction.
On and on and on.
But if they actually did admit to even knowledge of the event before hand i think the ramifications would be MASSIVE!
Bankrupt US for real then.
Although as im typing this i realize most western (allied) Countries probably did know something about it.
There is a whole world that exists behind closed doors.

They would be 'silenced' before he/they got a chance. Take a look at Obama's ex-best friends, they've both been raided by police many times, just because they know him.
(12-31-2011, 10:49 PM)BreShiE Wrote: They would be 'silenced' before he/they got a chance. Take a look at Obama's ex-best friends, they've both been raided by police many times, just because they know him.

Times are changing though. The wider public globally is starting to want to know more. Wanting to be more active in the process of elections. Transparency is becoming more of a possibility as apposed to a pipe dream only 10 years ago.
I would love to believe before i die a level of transparency will be there.
Real honest elections (not like the bush debarkle)
Free and honest trade globally.

Perhaps all the Government figures should be required to smoke a bit of weed daily as a requirement in that position.
Might chill them out a little lol.

[Image: obama-smoking-weed.jpg?w=512]
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Google/find out who the 5 people were that were arrested on the George Washington bridge on 9/11, and find out what they had in their van and see how it was reported the first day but then disappeared from US tv permanently.
It still lives.

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Yes, but it was all over the news for the first day, the next day it was completely wiped from US television. This probably got leaked, and I don't see how it's still up on YouTube. I myself have witnessed videos like this spread widely all over youtube, and the next day there wouldn't be a single trace.

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