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Who's The Real Terrorists? - BreShiE - 12-31-2011

Before I get started, please realise this is how I feel, it's just an opinion. I'm looking for a debate, not an argument/fight. Be warned this post does have references to 9/11 so if this is a touchy subject for you heed this warning and click of it now. Also, where I mention "Americans" in this post is reference to the government, not the people so don't take it personally.

Okay, so according to the dictionary the definition of terrorism is "The systematic use of terror, especially as a means of coercion.". But what is the definition of terror? "Terror is violent or destructive acts such as bombing committed groups in order to intimidate a population, or government into granting their demands." so what's a terrorist?

Tell me what's the bigger threat to human society? BAE Systems or home made IEDs? Remote controlled drones killing of human life or a man with home made bombs committing suicide? I know you were terrified when you saw the towers fall but some forms of terror are more powerful.

My opinion is; Think about it, suicide bombers, in my opinion are only retaliating and can you blame them really? America is bombing their homes 24/7 and have caused over a million ground zeros. So in fear they're obviously going to retaliate. Suicide bombers have probably caused hundreds and thousands of deaths world wide, but America have killed over a million Israelis/Palestinians. So who are the real terrorists?

Americas are invading their homes, taking their natural resources and causing fear in their community beyond belief. Killing thousands of humans per day. It actually aggravates me to hear people being racist towards the "Pakis", thinking they're the terrorist, and despising them for what America has forced them to do. In my opinion all they'er doing is retaliating fighting back for their country. If you was in their shoes, what would you do?

I got a bit carried away there with my typing, sorry.

TL;DR The American Government are the terrorists IMO. Discuss your opinions

RE: Who's The Real Terrorists? - .Legacy. - 12-31-2011

Watch this whole video.

It reminds me a lot of what you just said. I'm an American and I can't say that I agree 100% with it, but I understand where you're coming from.

RE: Who's The Real Terrorists? - DAMINK™ - 12-31-2011

You summed it up perfectly mate.
I agree with you totally. Only i think its perhaps worse than that.
I personally thing the US government have financial reasoning behind much of what goes on.
They are certainly not the squeaky clean government they would have us believe.
Are the US terrorists no but the government does orchestrate terrorist activities openly and regularly.
Breaking laws where they see fit and spending the US peoples money on killing others. Just wrong.
I agree with you much of the suicide bombings are retaliatory and not simply out of spite or aggression.
It saddens me to say this but i expect the US will invade Iran next only for a gas pipeline they want to run through there but i expect they will have some other reasoning to do so. Might even have another 9/11 type event to provoke more war? I certainly would not put it past them.
Hell im not convinced 9/11 was even what it was made out to be. There is much conjecture regarding this and somewhere inbetween will be the truth of which we will never know.

RE: Who's The Real Terrorists? - BreShiE - 12-31-2011

I just had to get it off my chest, I can't carry on building things up inside me.

Also, in before King posts.

RE: Who's The Real Terrorists? - DAMINK™ - 12-31-2011

(12-31-2011, 09:25 PM)BreShiE Wrote: Also, in before King posts.

LOL I thought the exact same thing. He must be napping Smile

RE: Who's The Real Terrorists? - BreShiE - 12-31-2011

(12-31-2011, 09:24 PM)DAMINK™ Wrote: You summed it up perfectly mate.
I agree with you totally. Only i think its perhaps worse than that.
I personally thing the US government have financial reasoning behind much of what goes on.
They are certainly not the squeaky clean government they would have us believe.
Are the US terrorists no but the government does orchestrate terrorist activities openly and regularly.
Breaking laws where they see fit and spending the US peoples money on killing others. Just wrong.
I agree with you much of the suicide bombings are retaliatory and not simply out of spite or aggression.
It saddens me to say this but i expect the US will invade Iran next only for a gas pipeline they want to run through there but i expect they will have some other reasoning to do so. Might even have another 9/11 type event to provoke more war? I certainly would not put it past them.
Hell im not convinced 9/11 was even what it was made out to be. There is much conjecture regarding this and somewhere inbetween will be the truth of which we will never know.

To your last line, I see myself as a conspiracist, I believe 9/11 wasn't a terrorist attack at all, but infact friendly fire to give them a reason to invade Iraq/Israel/Palestine for their natural resources. But I wasn't going to get into that as It is a serious subject for most Americas and I didn't want to offend anyone.

In regards to what you said about the US invading Iran next, I fully agree. They're like Leaches, sucking the life out of everything.
(12-31-2011, 09:29 PM)DAMINK™ Wrote: LOL I thought the exact same thing. He must be napping Smile

I knew out of the two people who I actually thought would fully read this, I knew it would be you two. He started reading it before you, I wonder if he's a slow reader or just got lost in my words? o_O

RE: Who's The Real Terrorists? - DAMINK™ - 12-31-2011

What i think should really piss off the US citizens is the whole war on Afghanistan and Iraq was funded entirely from loaned money.
Helping to put the us in the horrible position they are now.
I agree actually that it was friendly fire. There is just to much evidence to suggest it was not simply 2 planes hitting 2 buildings.

We have the same problem in ways. Our Government talks crap to the people. Hell we are helping to terrorize them with the US as we speak. A fair majority of the public dont want our boys over there but yet they remain.
I just wish we could have a leader in Australia that actually had some balls.
As i imagine the US does also. Someone who does not fill the public full of crap lies.
Hell its our (citizens) boys that do the fighting so we should be given the truth. You wont see any of the suits that make the decisions take arms....

RE: Who's The Real Terrorists? - BreShiE - 12-31-2011

(12-31-2011, 09:40 PM)DAMINK™ Wrote: What i think should really piss off the US citizens is the whole war on Afghanistan and Iraq was funded entirely from loaned money.
Helping to put the us in the horrible position they are now.
I agree actually that it was friendly fire. There is just to much evidence to suggest it was not simply 2 planes hitting 2 buildings.

We have the same problem in ways. Our Government talks crap to the people. Hell we are helping to terrorize them with the US as we speak. A fair majority of the public dont want our boys over there but yet they remain.
I just wish we could have a leader in Australia that actually had some balls.
As i imagine the US does also. Someone who does not fill the public full of crap lies.
Hell its our (citizens) boys that do the fighting so we should be given the truth. You wont see any of the suits that make the decisions take arms....

The more you post, the more I seem to like you haha.

Listen to this, he may interest you.

He may be a rapper, but he's a political rapper, doesn't rap about bullshit but the world around him. If he ever got a chance to be Prime Minister I'd vote for him. He was born in the UK but his parents originate from Palestine I believe, where his brother committed suicide.

RE: Who's The Real Terrorists? - DAMINK™ - 12-31-2011

An interesting image here. This is tower 7. Why this fell down has me wondering.

[Image: newwtc7anim.gif]

Now for a video just to open up the debate a little.


Worth watching the whole thing.

EDIT sorry put wrong url in youtube link.

RE: Who's The Real Terrorists? - BreShiE - 12-31-2011

Perhaps fix that link? haha

I've watched so many videos around it, the fact how the "civilian plane" wasn't a civilian plane after, it was a government private jet, which also had a silo underneath it. Also, before the plane even hit the tower there was an explosion, white sulfate. I can't remember exactly what it was white something, there was a white rock that came of the explosion to prove the fact it was that.
Oh, and also the Muslim reports who were seen pointing the camera at the towers before the plane was visible and when the plane crashed they were seen cheering, almost celebrating what happened. Also a bridge had to be closed down because some "MUSLIMS" where seen withholding explosives in the back of a transit van. Both of which completely disappeared from the news the next day, and never returned.