03-24-2011, 07:11 PM
Starting weight: 313bls
Current weight: 300lbs
My Goal is gaining or losing weight: Losing
Satisfied with current progress(Y/N): Y - in one month hell yes.
If not, do you know how you're going to improve: I am satisfied but I'm gonna speed it up by doing some walking/jogging/running.
Additional info: I'm doing P90X and have not been following the diet guide or routine strictly so I could be doing better. Wish me luck On phase 2 now
Current weight: 300lbs
My Goal is gaining or losing weight: Losing
Satisfied with current progress(Y/N): Y - in one month hell yes.
If not, do you know how you're going to improve: I am satisfied but I'm gonna speed it up by doing some walking/jogging/running.
Additional info: I'm doing P90X and have not been following the diet guide or routine strictly so I could be doing better. Wish me luck On phase 2 now