01-25-2011, 08:33 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-25-2011, 09:17 PM by Resistance.)
Ok ever since I started liking this really fine girl started talking to her for about a month now... I asked her what she was, American... British... etc... She tells me she is Russian. Now ever since then I have been hearing the words "Russia" + "Russian" like no effing tommorrow at least once a effing day someone brings that up... Russia....Russian this Russian that...... Does This mean something? I have heard that word at least 100 times in the past 5 weeks more than I have ever in my life. I crap you not I am being flat out serious. Now my mom brings up out of the blue: "Oh, did you know at a Russian air port 180 people died in a bombing???" and in my head I say "Did she say... Russian?..." Someone tell me what this means!???! is god telling me something.. I don't know!!! Please respond I need to get this off my head because I actually like her and this is outrageous... Oh I forgot to menshion today at my mom n dads business a Russian lady walks in too, orders stuff walks out... OMG... ! What the odds of that in ONE DAY... Something is telling me something.