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[PureBasic] Alternate GetProcAddress
Procedure.l GetProcAddressEx(*hModule, lpProcName.s)
  Protected *Image_Dos_Header.IMAGE_DOS_HEADER = *hModule
  Protected *Image_Nt_Headers.IMAGE_NT_HEADERS = *hModule + *Image_Dos_Header\e_lfanew
  Protected *Image_Export_Directory.IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY = *hModule + *Image_Nt_Headers\OptionalHeader\DataDirectory[0]\VirtualAddress
  Protected dwNumberOfNames.l
  Protected Ordinal.w
  Protected dwAddress.l
  Protected dwName.l

  For dwNumberOfNames = 0 To *Image_Export_Directory\NumberOfNames - 1
    dwAddress = *hModule + *Image_Export_Directory\AddressOfNames + (dwNumberOfNames * 4)
    dwName = *hModule + PeekL(dwAddress)
    If lstrcmp_(PeekS(dwName, #PB_Any, #PB_Ascii), lpProcName) = 0
      dwAddress = *Image_Export_Directory\AddressOfNameOrdinals + (dwNumberOfNames * 2)
      Ordinal = PeekW(*hModule + dwAddress)
      dwAddress = *Image_Export_Directory\AddressOfFunctions + (Ordinal * 4)
      ProcedureReturn *hModule + PeekL(*hModule + dwAddress)
  Next dwNumberOfNames

Example usage of this procedure.

Prototype proto_MessageBox(hwnd.l, lpText.s, lpCaption.s, wType.l)
Define _MessageBox.proto_MessageBox

  _MessageBox = GetProcAddressEx(LoadLibrary_("USER32.DLL"), "MessageBoxW")

_MessageBox(0, "It Works!", "Guess What!", 0)

Advised to compile In unicode mode, and xp theme support disabled. Thanks! Victoire (Written By Me, One of my first ventures into the realm of PureBasic)

Messages In This Thread
[PureBasic] Alternate GetProcAddress - by Modest - 01-09-2011, 08:38 PM

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