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[PureBasic] Alternate GetProcAddress - Printable Version

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[PureBasic] Alternate GetProcAddress - Modest - 01-09-2011

Procedure.l GetProcAddressEx(*hModule, lpProcName.s)
  Protected *Image_Dos_Header.IMAGE_DOS_HEADER = *hModule
  Protected *Image_Nt_Headers.IMAGE_NT_HEADERS = *hModule + *Image_Dos_Header\e_lfanew
  Protected *Image_Export_Directory.IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY = *hModule + *Image_Nt_Headers\OptionalHeader\DataDirectory[0]\VirtualAddress
  Protected dwNumberOfNames.l
  Protected Ordinal.w
  Protected dwAddress.l
  Protected dwName.l

  For dwNumberOfNames = 0 To *Image_Export_Directory\NumberOfNames - 1
    dwAddress = *hModule + *Image_Export_Directory\AddressOfNames + (dwNumberOfNames * 4)
    dwName = *hModule + PeekL(dwAddress)
    If lstrcmp_(PeekS(dwName, #PB_Any, #PB_Ascii), lpProcName) = 0
      dwAddress = *Image_Export_Directory\AddressOfNameOrdinals + (dwNumberOfNames * 2)
      Ordinal = PeekW(*hModule + dwAddress)
      dwAddress = *Image_Export_Directory\AddressOfFunctions + (Ordinal * 4)
      ProcedureReturn *hModule + PeekL(*hModule + dwAddress)
  Next dwNumberOfNames

Example usage of this procedure.

Prototype proto_MessageBox(hwnd.l, lpText.s, lpCaption.s, wType.l)
Define _MessageBox.proto_MessageBox

  _MessageBox = GetProcAddressEx(LoadLibrary_("USER32.DLL"), "MessageBoxW")

_MessageBox(0, "It Works!", "Guess What!", 0)

Advised to compile In unicode mode, and xp theme support disabled. Thanks! Victoire (Written By Me, One of my first ventures into the realm of PureBasic)

RE: [PureBasic] Alternate GetProcAddress - KoBE - 01-10-2011

Not sure how many people on here know PureBasic, (I don't). So, i cannot say whether this is good code or not. But thanks for contributing anyways.

RE: [PureBasic] Alternate GetProcAddress - Modest - 01-10-2011

Yeah its a strange strange language, that only a few know, I find it to be a combination of asm/c/basic.