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Smarter than the other kids.
I am in classes with the people of same intellect of me, so, no I do not, except in mixed ability classes.

ITT: Arrogant high schoolers. Lol guys, I used to be the same way about thinking I was smarter than everyone else in my school. Just because you are number one in your class does not mean there is not someone smarter. School sucks... if you can be mature about it you will make something of yourself early while the party-goers have their fun and regret it later.
HAH is this a collage or like a high school?? IF SO WHAT COLLAGE???
[Image: pughacking.png]
I always put myself above society.
In Canada, we have three different classes for most of our courses.

- The slow kids (there are a lot of names for it)
- Applied (average)
- Academic (above average)

This does help separate some of the intelligent people from the complete morons, but there are still going to be people around you that aren't the smartest people in the world. That's life. You might as well get used to it now ..
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At my school, everyone gets along because they are all intelligent. I go to a Magnet school and love it, because it is an improvement from my middle school, which I got beat up for being smarter than them, and not giving them test answers. My Girlfriend is trying to be smarter than me, and I hang out with the crazy kids because I don't feel comfortable with anyone else. I have aspergers and My IQ is 140.

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