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My entire Poetry list.
It's not much, but I've poured my heart into these poems.

Undying Resolve
Current mood: artistic

Have you ever gazed upon something as free as the ocean?
The way it...
The way it washes up against everything on earth?
The way it can overcome anything,
and hold everything.
How about the towering of a Mountain?
Have you ever had the Joy of looking up, or off of,
a large mountain range at the break of dawn?
If you have, then you may know what one drop,
one small, very Minute, drop of that...
That... emptiness...
That... wanting to feel, thing,
You know?
You want more...but... your not sure where to look for it.
You feel so small. So very Fragile.
Like anything can break you.
Fortunately enough for me, I have Love.
And, when you take the Love of Me,
and mix it with something as pure as your Own Love towards me,
and allow them to be free;
To swirl in there own breweries, not of hatred and envy,
but of romance and passion...
Do you have any idea what you get?
Alright. Think of nothingness again.
Now, try to Imagine everything.
Everything ever made, ever seen, ever destroyed, that's ever been,
and try to picture everything in between Nothingness and Eterniality.
If you took that, and perhaps, multiplied a few trillion times over;
You would be just beginning the journey to attempt to define
our Undying resolve that we Call Love.

Recipe for us
Current mood: romantic

It has been said everything is not as it seems;
This I do not agree on. At one time, I believed
there was no... No Love. That I was here for the
sole purpose of dying. That my leaves were to just
rot off forever and refirment this ground that is called
"Life". I believed that... The sun, How Beautiful she glows,
was there only to sustain us long enough to die for it.

Oh, my Love, how very wrong I was.

~ ~ ~

You have given me what no man nor any other person has
been able to even begin of fathom of imagining to start
describing of giving me.
Full, Untouched, Untainted love.

Your love is White and pure; Such as the Dove,
Your love is Everlasting; As if from above,
Your love is Everflowing, I can never get enough,
Your love is Protectant; It can handle when life is Tough,
Your love is never angry; It knows no such,
Your love is much to innocent, and is sweet to the touch,
Your love is smooth and brilliant; Let me be it's brush,
Your love is constant; it never knows too much,
Your love is steadfast, and that's always a plus,
Your love is never broken, and can't be told to hush,
Your love is... Just....


And is purely delightful, warm, and unrefinable.

~ ~ ~

You make me wonder, how I made it through,
the bad times when, you know as I do,
It was your Sweet voice, Your delectable taste,
Your elegant movement; The look on your face,
Took me out of my cage into this undescriable place,
this warm, smooth, delicious Love,
Again, I feel, as if it was from far above,
Like God chose me, out of all the other in view,
he chose me, and then he chose you,
Then added a pinch of Love, in a swirling pot of Trust,
dash of Romance, more Love, and some healthy lust,
finished it up, put it down, felt like we would bust;
There you go, best there is- Our recipe for us.


Our Skies
Current mood: adventurous
Category: Romance and Relationships

Though the clouds cover my skies
from time to time,
I know you are still there;
Faithful to me and always strong.
Though the clouds cover your Brilliance
even if It makes no sense,
Your love is still Faithful to me;
and it remains unfaltered,
Though the clouds sometimes hide,
your everflowing precious love,
I know it's there, and the best part,
is it's all mine.
Though the clouds sometimes depress,
and make me feel lonely;
You are there. You guide me through
and through, and you remain faithful,
Though we only have one life here;
we only have eternity together
to last and spiral into each others' warm embrace,
and to conquer all opposing hatred and envy,
Though the clouds cover my skies;
With the clouds come the Reliefing rain,
letting me know that my trials are almost complete,
and my Reward is your warm, trickling Romance,
Now my skies are clear as crystal;
You hang brilliant in my mind,
You are calming to the eye,
and soothing to my very soul.
Now my skies are clear,
and only you can take me away from here,
let us embark; on our Ship of Passion,
Of Love, of Peace and of Romance,
Now my skies are clear!
Our undenying compassion
pushes the mighty sails
of our undying Vessel of Love!
Oh I say; Now Our, no longer my own, sky is clear!
It is full of what I have so longed, so fathomed of and for,
for Dragonflies and Unicorns parade at the beckoning of you and I.
Let us depart this ship, come with me;
Yes, grab my hand my love,
We will go forth into precious fields of Lillies, of Roses,
Of Tulips, of Daisies, of dalilas, and precious Dahlia Flowers,
Come with me; I will show you this, my Love,
I will show what can be reaped after our Love is Sown!
Look avast; Beyond your walls, beyond your chains;
Look past your Murky, Dark, and Deathful Skies;
Instead, Believe what is past that;
Through the Atmosphere, Into the night;
See... See the twinkle... See those?
Those beautiful Stars that twinkle ever so diligently;
Think not "One day that will be us",
My love- We are Shining already! We are our own momentum of
swirling Passion, Love, Romance, Integretiy, and Faithfulness.
So, look beyond your murky skies,
Your dull days,
Your destructive nights;
Instead... Look... Into something your Prison Guards cannot
take from you; Our Future in Each others Embrace untill time itself ceases to exist altogether.

Cobble Stone Lane
Current mood: accomplished

Oh what a Pleasurable site,
when it is you and me,
I feel high as a kite,
with no strings; Lifted Free.
None before could ever get,
this love, complex and divine,
And after no more, once our souls are set,
will it be any less kind.
For your love is of Roses,
Unplucked and trimmed about,
I feel like I was chosen,
to make sure you never pout.
You'll be spoiled rotten, you know,
being around me,
You wont be wearing cotton; No,
only fine silk and satin sheets.
I will break my own,
to make sure you are commended,
and when my heart needs to be sown,
only you can mend it.
For God so loved the world,
that he gave us his only son,
And then he gave me you, girl,
and basically said "Have fun".
Well intend for just that,
and a bucket full of surprises,
and I think I just have a Knack,
For saving people in a Crisis.
How better the timing, 'lo,
for you and I?
Beaten bruised and Tattered about;
me too, just on the Inside.
In one body and spirit, soul and Love,
Forever we will remain,
Our hearts and minds, forever intertwined,
Down our cobble-stone lane.

True Affection
Current mood: artistic
Category: Romance and Relationships

Of the lilys of the field,
or of the stars of the sky,
I do so, love you more,
and would willingly die,
would give up my breath,
and my will to live,
I would give it all,
if there were only something to give,
your worth is not in gold,
or of sparkling pearls,
your more then the earth,
not an ordinary girl,
you deserve to be treated,
as you would treat yourself,
and anyone who gets in the way,
is going to get my hell,
For your love is mine,
and no matter the cost,
we will remain inter-twined,
down the holes till we're lost,
as long as we have another,
whether in mind or body,
then we can never lose,
till past our bodies are rotting,
for Love Endures,
through good and the bad,
It holds through till past the end,
and it never gets mad,
for with anger comes hurt,
and hurt gives rage,
but who can hurt us,
when we're out of our cage?
None, my love,
I speak it out now-
Let all who oppose us,
become unbound!
For those who have not felt such,
Invigorating Love,
is desperatley lost,
and needs help from above,
Take what's said,
of the mustard seed;
what's the smallest, with faith,
can create the Biggest leaves,
what is truley remarkable in others,
is another day for us;
Because we want more then one thing,
we're not out for lust,
and for those who mock,
pittle and shout-
You don't need anybody,
you can do without!,
then for you few, I pray,
for one day You'll see;
That when you meet her,
you'll finally be free,
Be free of Distress,
Regards and Emotion,
Let your waves flow,
like that of the Ocean;
Speak only in Love,
and for true affection,
I say speak Only in Love;
and For True Affection.


What is Love?
Category: Romance and Relationships

What is Love? No... Really, what is love?
Is it just something we say when we get off the Phone,
Is it something we tell our each other when we can't think
of what to say?
Is it?
Or is it something more...
Something...That boils, deep within...
When we think of each other...
Personally, it makes me Grin...
And I love it...It...
It feels like a sin... mmm...
Oh man, I get this, like,
Warm sensation, you know?...
All over... It's...Well...
You know.
It's Eratic,
I feel like I should
But no, not with you,
I feel you all around me,
In my very soul... In my heart...
And The one thing, I lust for most,
Is not what lies beneath your clothes,no,
I Lust for Love, Pure and Sweet,
Your Love for me, Makes me feel complete,
Like Bees love Honey, Your More precious then pearls,
It kills me when I can see my baby girl,
And you have a name that suits your 'tude,
Dahlia; Beautiful, And Sweet,
And I'm so glad I'm your Dude...
I just, look, baby, it's like this,
If I could I'd buy you the world,
and 4 or 5 whips,
Put you on the top of my "To-do" list,
make your Feel the way i do,
If I could, I'd take this Song,
And it would get chopped and screwed,
and make it to something much more beautiful,
something they play in the Club, girl, Not in the mall,
I want folks to know, Your all Mine now,
I'll get on top of the world, and scream your name out,
Tell em all what it's about, see,
Love's an Emotion, it aint nothin you can pay for,
If you lock your heart up and build brick walls up;
Well, simply put, that's not what it's made for,
and yeah, i know, You let me in Rather easy,
And I know this might come out a Bit cheesy,
But girl I swear, by the Moon and the Sun,
The Stars and My Life,
That I will make your Smile,
Every day and every night,
and I'm gone be that guy, to bring home that food,
Call me what you Wish, Your Fiance or Your dude,
But either way, baby, I'm gonna love you till death,
And I promise, My love, That I will be the Best.

I love You Dahlia...

Current mood: cheerful

You make me feel special,
You make me feel new,
You make me feel loved,
With everything you do.

You hold me close when I am sad.
You wipe the tears from my face.
Every time we are together,
It seems like the perfect place.

My eyes light up when you enter a room.
I smile when we are together.
No matter how bad things are,
You always make them better.

I love the way you can make me laugh
For absolutely no reason at all.
I love how no matter what I do,
You will be there to catch me when I fall.

I'll love you till i'm gone,
But until that time comes,
To me we are perfect,
and We can Never Go Wrong.

For You, Dahlia. <3

Hot Bloodlusting Rage, Cold Heartbroken Emotion.
Current mood:Full of Unrighteous FURY
Category: Life

So I Summed up how my life has been lately.
Made a Song.
As soon as i get convidence,
I will make the Guitar part and sing it.

Enjoy. I guess.


Song Start-
-Enter Soft Guitar-
-Softly Speak-

So... Theres a point in your life...
Where your like... so, which way do i go?
The Path to your left looks narrow and dim,
that to your right is.... Black.
So... Again...

-Cut soft guitar-

Which freakin way do you go?

-Enter Heavy Metal- x 1

Verse 1-
It's another freakin Day!
fudge the world,
Here in my bed is where I'll lay!
I refuse to be a pawn,
In this game called life,
And if you dont think it's right,
go check your freakin eye sight,
open your mind,
dont listen to fools,
fudge the boundaries,
fudge the Schools,
fudge the Government
and there goddamn rules!
fudge those fair-weather friends,
who are there by season,
actin all friendly
when they are all plotting treason,
fudge the way you may live,
it's not how I survive,
so go crawl in a pit,
drink poison, and freakin Die!

Why must this
pain go on
can't be free
not for long
I'm having some serious Problems
Cant see you-
cant see me-
fudge these chains,
let me be!
I just feel so damn hollow,
the past is-
the past so-
why can't I
just let go?
It's like glue on my palms
to the sky-
through the night-
i scream out,
can't think right
Just can't get rid of these problems,

aw hell naw,
I'm having serious Issues,
Real crap,
not about if that girl
leaned in to kiss you,
Or if your fuckin mom
done went and
cleaned ya room,
talkin bout im to the point
im sharing a pit with coons,
pop a pill,
lock a deal,
fudge you,
this crap is real,
Not livin' in 20 room mansions,
man im tryin not to get killed,
but when the tide blows over,
and the sand's here once again,
awwww here come them bitches,
wanting to be a fuckin' friend!

Why must this
pain go on
can't be free
not for long
I'm having some serious Problems
Cant see you
cant see me
fudge these chains
let me be!
I just feel so damn hollow.
the past is
the past so
why can't I
just let go?
It's like glue on my palms
to the sky
through the night
i scream out
can't think right
Just can't get rid of these problems.

Gods been there before,
But where is he now?
Sure he's keepin me standing,
but is he laughin out loud?
The point of the matter is-
I need you man,
Please be there bro,
at least show me you can,
Dont kick and abuse me,
roll me up and lose me,
Like a boat at sea,
and if the boat is me,
I got a patch to work out,
some leaks to tend to,
and if your jumpin off
or giving up
Then hey-
fudge YOU!

Why must this
pain go on
can't be free
not for long
I'm having some serious Problems
Cant see you
cant see me
fudge these chains
let me be!
I just feel so damn hollow.
the past is
the past so
why can't I
just let go?
It's like glue on my palms
to the sky
through the night
i scream out
can't think right
Just can't get rid of these problems.

-Fun... Scream-

I said I,
cant get rid of these issues,
The Problems,
Should I list em to you?
Anger, Aggression,
Unending Chronic Depression,
Death from above,
and Fire Below,
But hey fudge it
lives just one big mother fuckin' show!!

-End Scream-

Why must this
pain go on
can't be free
not for long
I'm having some serious Problems
Cant see you
cant see me
fudge these chains
let me be!
I just feel so damn hollow.
the past is
the past so
why can't I
just let go?
It's like glue on my palms
to the sky
through the night
i scream out
can't think right
Just can't get rid of these problems.

-End Verse-
-Speak in Normal Tone-
So, Like I said.
Which fuckin path you want to take?
Grab the Rope...
Or down the Rabbithole?


I will soothe your wounds,
think not this as doom,
I will cleanse you with Fire,
come closer, and feel my Power,
I seek you out, and burn you alive,
I smirk at the idea that you, "Tried",
I see your eyes, they take me away,
not to a place of romance and of free space,
you take me to and underground realm,
full of death, despair,
I fantasize of death towards your soul.
I seek you out, and flail you alive,
For now I laugh, and for now you Cry.
Let the smokey incense grab your senses,
as you begin to sunder and melt.
Let you Die.
Your angel of Death, can you see me?
I give you free passage into the next world,
feel the cleansing Kaji...
I begin to set your soul in my gaze,
sailing as a merchant does on the wind, with
nothing but grace.
That time is gone, you are gone,
that which is past shall be burned with this song,
All you have done, all of it is wrong,
and I will soothe my wounds with the blood of your veins,
may you Burn ever so flowingly.
I seek you out, to end your life,
I laugh on the inside of your so called "Strife",
You ripped me in half, threw me away,
Your time of Reckoning and hell are here,
Do not waste your breath to pray.
By the time you call your High Father,
I will be leading you to the slaughter,
But t'is okay, just keep your soul calm,
It will be all over soon, nothing is wrong...
You burned me, unearthed me,
Desecrated and Infatuated!
How dare you entrekk upon my tender bones,
You will burn as I did for you!
I no longer seek you out,
I now burn you alive,
Don't be scared of my sudden power,
I will lick your wounds in your last hour,
I shall take back what's mine,
by taking up all your precious time,
All of your precious time.
I no longer seek you out,
I now flail you alive,
No more words,
You cannot survive.
And I'm not scared,
Of your banished soul,
it is no tear on my lash,
nor does it turn me cold,
Not that same cold,
not that cold from before.
No, not that same cold from before.

(EDIT) Lol, SF Blocks the "F" word. Please ignore it. Tongue
[Image: 0fcb61bd256add2d3b03271e3fa0cfbb.gif]
This is some deep stuff, mayne. I like 'em. Smile
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

(08-01-2010, 11:11 PM)Cybr Wrote: This is some deep stuff, mayne. I like 'em. Smile

Lol thanks. I appreciate the love. <3
[Image: 0fcb61bd256add2d3b03271e3fa0cfbb.gif]
Thats pretty deep, bro. Keep it up.
I like the 'Recipe for us' Smile
[Image: jVYFt.gif]
No one is more enslaved than those that falsely think they are free. | Love hurts - alot.
You make me feel special,
You make me feel new,
You make me feel loved,
With everything you do.

You hold me close when I am sad.
You wipe the tears from my face.
Every time we are together,
It seems like the perfect place.

My eyes light up when you enter a room.
I smile when we are together.
No matter how bad things are,
You always make them better.

I love the way you can make me laugh
For absolutely no reason at all.
I love how no matter what I do,
You will be there to catch me when I fall.

I'll love you till i'm gone,
But until that time comes,
To me we are perfect,
and We can Never Go Wrong.

I felt overwhelmed with unexplainable feelings, I've never experienced that through text. Beautiful. Bravo, bravo indeed.
War does not determine who is right - only who is left.

Didn't have time to read them all, but the ones I read were very nice.
Yea this is really good man! Nice job.
I hated poetry in cool idk how you guys do it!
[Image: pughacking.png]

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