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MyBB 1.2.2
Well, they've released MyBB 1.2.2. I'm not gonna update FFF yet though, cause some bugs need to be worked out, such as Users can't view the theme they've chosen unless viewing a thread or forum. :hmm:

Already updated Theme Designers, and that's the problem on there. Everyone seems to be having that problem!
Chris Boulton fixed the changing theme problem, so I'm going to update FFF ASAP!
I'm also going to close the board during upgrade, just to make sure nothing can go wrong! Smile
(AND backup the database, just in case.)

Big Grin
Glad to see that MyBB has made another update in their software.
As for me, I'm still waiting for dajoob to come back up, because their MySQL is down.....

Dr Small
Yeah, MyBB sure is moving along, ain't it?

Dajoob is soooo unreliable!
It may be unreliable, but it's the best free host I've found, far as space, php, mysql and bandwidth.
All others have a limit on what you can do, dajoob's limit is the hard drive space available.

Dr Small
True enough, but I still wouldn't go back to DaJoob. I remember the old days of that, and I don't wanna go back to it.

Anyway, someone on MyBB just released a cool new plugin, Moderator Notice.

What it does is allows Mods and Admins to "moderate" posts. Which means on the edit button, you click the button and at the bottom there's a new link that says Moderate. When you click that it brings you up to the "Full Edit" page, but with a NEW Moderator box at the bottom.
You stick your mod message in there, and it shows up on the post "{username} edited your post because:" and whatever you put in the box there.

The neat trick is regular users can't take it off. They go to edit their post, but the mod box doesn't show up. It's only for Mods and Admins.

I'm gonna install it here as soon as we get all the bugs worked out of it. ;)

I have now released MetaMyBB 1.1, which is a premodded version of MyBB 1.2.2,
and can be downloaded from here:

I also have a Community Forum for support and plugin suggestions, which can be accessed from here:

Only Five more plugins to add before I release MetaMyBB 1.1.1 !

Dr Small
Cool, a premodded version!!! Big Grin

That'd ougtta get popular in no time.
FirefoxWiz Wrote:That'd ougtta get popular in no time.
I hope so, but I don't think it will.

Dr Small

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