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The Restaurant
A story a wrote from a dream I had last night.

The Restaurant
There was this place in a town named Downville by the name of The Downsville Place. This specific place was where people from all over the city came; the walls have seen many tears, bitterness, laughter, birth, hate, and happiness. This day was no different.
As I walk into a bustling Downsville Place, there was a strange feeling of appreciation for the special person sitting in seat number nine; this was my wife. And she was among the giddy and talkative group this morning. As she looked at me, as always, my heart melted where I stood. So I walked over to her seat and kissed her on her warm, soft lips as she stood and we embraced tightly. And in that moment I felt something very strong surge from my heart; it was a gut-wrenching pain and horrid fear, I did not want to let her go. But the better of my judgement came into action as I let go and looked her in her eyes, those tiger-like jewels of soft, deep olive and sharp, fiery amber; the sunlight cast it's beams illuminating the lighter points of color giving her a goddess-like visage. What was it that kept disturbing me? In frustration I simply said “I love you” and continued my daily activities within the perpetually busy and crowded Downsville Place.
About mid-day I looked out the windows at the foggy, misty weather gaining momentum against the end-less pines far off in the horizon. The sun had somehow slipped away. Today was too damn beautiful or I was going insane! What is it? Why is everything so beautiful today? But I kept these thoughts and feelings within my troubled heart.
But maybe; if I had expressed myself a little more that day, if I had maybe adhered to this weird urge, or maybe even left on time that Sunday, I would be a happier man today. Either way, what transpired next would change my life forever.
As it happened; we had gained an addition to the police force this week and his name I can't recall, he came in that afternoon for his lunch. Dr. Kobie came in also that day to talk with a person I have never seen before. And a few other misfits and such filled in empty faces in the dining hall, my wife was sitting outside starring off at the scenery, so oblivious to the fearful vibes coming from his heart. It seems for marriage, the idea of two becoming one sometimes is just lunacy. I was thinking this in between barked orders from the manager and wiping sweat from my head with a rag. I went to take some more orders. As started mopping the entry, I saw her yelling at a strange man.
“Why did you just leave me like that? Huh? Why?” she yelled hoarsely through tears. I was dumbfounded and shocked, but I just thought it was one of her ex-boyfriends she'd tell to “fudge off”.
“Sheetz, get your ass over and do the dishes!” barked Mr. Barand, the manager.
As I returned a second trip she was happy again. She walked in and did this twirling maneuver as she crossed the threshold of the door sounding the little bell.
“Hey,” I said.
“Hey.” She said nonchalantly. With a bored expression.
At that moment I realized who that man was. I knew all to well who that was. But at the moment I heard a shout from the double doors of the entrance. Dr. Kobie was now yelling at this man he had come in with.
“Why did you leave me? Did you think I didn't need a father?” He yelled bitterly and angrily.
“You were a goddamn coward, a lowlife bastard. Get the hell out of my life!” But his anger diminished as the stranger took Dr. Kobie in a fatherly embrace.
“I was there son,” he said through heaves of sobs.
“I were always in my heart. I know I screwed-up but I am here to make-up for those times.”
Now in the middle of the two double-doors was two grown men weeping in each others arms.
I walked out to smoke a cigarette. As I walked out I saw her longing expression at the man as he walked away. I dropped my cigarette and walked over to her as she began to give me a disinterested look. She looked away.
“What the hell is going on?” I said frantically.
“Nothing.” She said monotonously.
“Yes there is! Who the hell was he?”
“None of your business.” She said irritably.
“Like hell it isn't my business!” I was irate. I got in front of her face and said, “If you want that damn man so bad why don't you just run off with him? I don't want you to be like this, burning for another man.”
She finally looked me in the eye, emotionless. She touched her ring and said, “Ya know,” taking it off slowly.
“I loved you. But you're not my first.” Still looking me steadily in the eye.
“I can never love you as much as Thomas. I think about him every night and cannot get him out of my dreams, heart, and mind. It's not fair to you that I do this.” She took my hand in hers and she placed her other with a golden ring in my hand. She gave me a kiss.
“Goodbye John.”
And that was it. She walked off, laughing and joyful as she met up with the true love of her heart. I staying behind, in shock, with tears streaming down my face. I fell to my knees and weep like I had never wept in my life.
I guess the hardest part of it all is knowing that you won't even remember me as your loving husband, you'll probably forget about it in time as you grow old and happy. And if you have the chance to read this; I'm glad you're happy. Now, I must find my peace in this death.

There was never any divorce papers filed. A letter came in the mail. I walked out to the mail-box. And take out the damp mail. My hip was hurting with the cold air rushing up my blouse. I slowly made it up the the old stairs Thomas had forgot to fix before the old fool passed. I picked up one paper in a plain white envelope...

“I close my eyes in tears as I realise what I have done, and I am sorry. May there be peace in the latter days and the pain I caused be fulfilled in the deed that you have done. Now as I sit here in my old age, he is gone and I am alone. I must also find peace in this death”
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will.
.::The Rights of Man::.
A Dream you say, good job man... The best ideas come from Dreams...
It's a good sotry, imo, kind of sad if it really happend Big Grin...

But all in all, I was enjoying reading it...
Lol that's a cool story mate, thoroughly enjoyed reading it. Keep it up :p

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