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iphone ssh tutorial
This tutorial will show you how to ssh between your computer and your iphone/ipod. First off you need a jailbroken device. If you haven't already jailbroken you can go to these two sources or . Ok now that your device has been jailbroken you are ready. First open up Cydia and search for openssh. Once you have found it install and confirm it. Now return to Cydia.Go to the search menu again and search for toogle ssh. Download and installl that.Now leave Cydia and go to your main menu.From there go to settings>general> autolock and click never. This is incase your device tries to lock when you are about to ssh something. Next look for an app on your device named SSH Daemon: you should see two options, enable or disable. Click Enable. Now you need to get on your pc for this one.Once on head over from there download winscp. Once it is installed you are almost ready to ssh something to your device. Now what you need to do is go back to the menu on your device and "slide your finger accross the top where the at&t and wifi bar is. You should see a list of icons saying 3g, bluetooth,wifi and so on. But you will also see your Wifi ip address.
Another way of doing this is to go to settings and click wifi from their go over and you should see your ip address. For instance my ip is After you have done that load up Winscp. Where it says hostname type "your ip", where it says username type "root" and where it says password type "alpine". Your devices should now be connecting.If you want to put anything such as theme on your ipod/iphone all you need to do is head over to /private/var/stash and look for a folder named theme. Once in theme look to the side where your pc is and find the folder that contains the theme you want and drag it to your theme folder.Thats all people. Don't forget to DONATE!!
Nice tutorial, even though I already knew this I am sure people on here were wondering how to do this.
[Image: signature.php?uid=1]
Thanks... Funny lol I just figured it out.
This would of been nice to have like a month ago for me.Roflmao
[Image: fade-Signature.gif]
-Thanks Extasey Thumbsup
Lol, damn i failed...
Nah nice tut, the only reason I know this is probably because I am admin on a iPod forum xD
[Image: signature.php?uid=1]
Nice? what ipod forum i think i would like to join.
Ipod forum= google lol
here's the one I read it on.
[Image: fade-Signature.gif]
-Thanks Extasey Thumbsup
Thats the link Big Grin
[Image: signature.php?uid=1]
Alright i'll chekc it out later.

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