10-09-2014, 12:18 PM
Well, As I saw a post on HF about this, I'm gonna introduce myself and hopefully one day this will become alive again, I sadly joined HF as SupportForums was dying but hopefully it becomes revamped.
So first of all I'd like to say a few things.
First name: Kev (sort for Kevin)
Age: 20
From: Scotland (We lost independence do not rub it in.)
Favourite colour : Light blue or blue
Animal: Cats/Lions or Tigers or both Ligers.
Why the name?
I thought of this name a long time ago, I first joined as KevvYE registered at HF and thought it was completely meh, it was my gaming name so I had to change it too something more "hackery" so I just randomly came up with SoulZeh and you say it like "Soul Zee Eh" retarded, I know but I'm pretty known, even Omniscient loves me.
A Little about me:
Well, I use to program in Visual Basic's as I learned most of that myself through HF, but I grew out of that as it was not entertaining no more, so I decided to move on and I feel like I'm good at helping people with problems, I like talking to people and trying my best to make them feel better, I prioritize their happiness before mine, always. I studied at College for Business Admin and I.T and now I'm currently unemployed looking for a job, hopefully something really quick as Xmas is soon..
Hope you enjoy.
So first of all I'd like to say a few things.
First name: Kev (sort for Kevin)
Age: 20
From: Scotland (We lost independence do not rub it in.)
Favourite colour : Light blue or blue
Animal: Cats/Lions or Tigers or both Ligers.
Why the name?
I thought of this name a long time ago, I first joined as KevvYE registered at HF and thought it was completely meh, it was my gaming name so I had to change it too something more "hackery" so I just randomly came up with SoulZeh and you say it like "Soul Zee Eh" retarded, I know but I'm pretty known, even Omniscient loves me.
A Little about me:
Well, I use to program in Visual Basic's as I learned most of that myself through HF, but I grew out of that as it was not entertaining no more, so I decided to move on and I feel like I'm good at helping people with problems, I like talking to people and trying my best to make them feel better, I prioritize their happiness before mine, always. I studied at College for Business Admin and I.T and now I'm currently unemployed looking for a job, hopefully something really quick as Xmas is soon..
Hope you enjoy.