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Why I think xbox Is a HUGE Problem.
Well, not Just Xbox, Also consoles like the Wii and the PS3.

Why: I got an xbox last christmas, 2010, and I have gotten reall hooked on it. Before I got it, I played baseball, football, basketball, and a bit of golf, and I weighed a mere 120 pounds (13 years old). I also worked out regularly, and a huge priority was getting all A's in school (Which I did.)

When I got my xbox, this all changed, I stopped playing golf and basketball (I still play football as a Defensive end, and Baseball as a 3rd baseman) and I am now 160 pounds (Which isn't necessarily bad because the position I play requires weight, plus a lot of it is muscle), And I have started doing worse in school (C's and B's rather than all A's)

I believe I have also gotten EXTREMELY lazy, I want to do nothing but sit on my butt, playing on the computer or xbox, I used to work out at the Y and at a Sports Fitness place (For those that pay attention to this stuff, my vertical jump was 31 inches Last year, now it is 25, which is still good considering the average NBA's players vertical is 40) But now I do not ever go to one of these workout places.

I am worried that because I love the computer and xbox so much, that it will affect me when it comes to doing sports I love. That is why I think xbox is a huge problem for kids.
Quit xbox - simple as that, this was the best decision in my whole life!

I totally agree with you. School should always be your first priority.
My love for electronics, in general, has actually benefited me in many ways. Both financially and emotionally. Video games are fun, but you do need to find a balance between reality and the virtual world.

Don't quit it all at once. Just slowly move farther and farther away till you lose interest in being on your butt all day in front of a TV/monitor.
Well, usually Computer stops me from learning in school.
(01-15-2012, 12:30 AM)Techie. Wrote: Well, usually Computer stops me from learning in school.

What they teach you in school CAN at times be nonsense compared to what you can learn on the computer some points though. The only thing you can't be taught by sitting at your computer is social behavior and being active for your health. Lots of the other stuff that you're brain can learn without your body though is already out there on the net if you are someone that is willing to learn.

It is a bad thing for those that can't control it, and are sucked into the idea of today's technology and media. Everyone needs a cellphone, everyone needs a computer, now you need a facebook account or you're basically a loser lol. (I still don't have one.) But the point here is that people need to start learning to think for themselves. We might think we do, but media is brainwash in today's day and age. Watch kids grow up. They see something on TV, and immediately they can't live without it. But before they never knew it existed. So what happened all of a sudden there? They never had it, could have never even seen it firsthand or ever tried it before, but now it becomes a need?

Games are the same way, game developers love it because they wouldn't have a job if no one played games.
I'd say not to flat out stop playing XBOX if you enjoy it. Just limit when you use it.
Start by promising not to play except on weekends, or give the power cord to the XBOX to someone else to hold onto until the weekend rolls around. That way you won't be tempted.
[Image: QRCjW2pNdRK00.gif]
Sorry but this thread is a bit silly... You can't blame an Xbox for suddenly becoming lazy.. You're your own person and if you let an Xbox take control of your life, then that's an issue that you need to look into.

I love playing PS3, but I know how to balance my playing time with the rest of my life.. In fact it's not even a case of balancing anything for me. The PS3 is just something to play on when I'm bored, or if I just fancy a couple of games on CoD. I probably play about 4 times a week, for a very very maximum of 1 hour per session. The majority of the time I go on for a couple of games (about 20-30 minutes), and then go and do something else, or go out.

Blaming the Xbox for your own lack of control is only going to make things worse. You should never be in a position where you find a machine controlling your life. If I were you I'd unplug everything, and hide it away in a cupboard for a good month or 2, just to break the habit.
Xbox is for entertainment. It's not for you to sit and do all day, it's for you to do in your free time, when you're all done with school, and sports, and whatever else you have to do. It's not xbox's fault you decided to stop doing sports because of it.
That being said, I've learned more sitting my ass down at my computer than I did in 12 years of school.
I think it's unfair to blame the console, as with all things, addictions can become problematic, it's up to you to limit yourself and know how you react.

If you find that the Xbox is becoming too much to handle, shut it off and focus on other things. Be wary of other things as well as eventually you could end up having the same problem with alcohol, sex etc.

I think it's great that you've acknowledged the issue though so that's a step in the right direction but you need to realize that YOU have control over your life, not your Xbox, Call of Duty game etc.

Try to talk to a trusted friend about it or a relative to see if they can help you overcome the issue by monitoring your usage and reminding you to stay on top of more important things.
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