09-06-2011, 08:00 PM
last night I smoked two bowls of passionflower for its anti-anxiety effects. (it is a reversible MAOI for mao.a) well, today my co-worker has gotten me sick as fudge, the only medicene I have contains Dxm.hbr and acetomophin, I am aware that dxm.hbr has SSRI like effects and thus can cause a hypertensive crisis in indivisuals who mix with maoi's. When an maoi stops they give rebound effects. for example if I take an maoi before bed I get energised and have no dreams but if I smoke a bowl or two of passionflower 4 hours before bed the rebound effects occour which include insomnia, and when I do sleep very intense lucid dreaming. last nights session of passionflower smokin resulted in very weird lucid sexual dreams my favorite, (is this rebound effect?) should I take the cough syrup medicene or should I wait?
slowly getting better