07-07-2011, 01:31 PM
First off, I'm not overweight or have a weight-related condition, such as diabetes; though I eat a lot of french fries / chips. I've been having two types of paints in some of my veins for over a year or two now:
If somebody could define these medically and whether they're anything serious, it'd help.
First off, I'm not overweight or have a weight-related condition, such as diabetes; though I eat a lot of french fries / chips. I've been having two types of paints in some of my veins for over a year or two now:
- A "gurgling" kind of pain in one of the veins/arteries of my heart, as if something is trying to pass through a blockade (I fear that I may have a blocked artery, so the later of this description may contain a little bias)
- A sharp pain in the vein of my arm, I sometimes experience a sharp pain, if I move my arm by bending or straigthening it, I get a sharp pain in my vain, halfway up my forearm
If somebody could define these medically and whether they're anything serious, it'd help.