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Stabbing / Gurging Pains

First off, I'm not overweight or have a weight-related condition, such as diabetes; though I eat a lot of french fries / chips. I've been having two types of paints in some of my veins for over a year or two now:
  • A "gurgling" kind of pain in one of the veins/arteries of my heart, as if something is trying to pass through a blockade (I fear that I may have a blocked artery, so the later of this description may contain a little bias)
  • A sharp pain in the vein of my arm, I sometimes experience a sharp pain, if I move my arm by bending or straigthening it, I get a sharp pain in my vain, halfway up my forearm

If somebody could define these medically and whether they're anything serious, it'd help.
Sir, first off, (I'm sure most of SF is going to say this) a doctor would be able to help you better than any of us here. I'm not licensed to diagnose, but my best guess (assuming your BP is high) would be hypertension; hypertensives have been getting younger and younger for the past few years.

Hope this helps sir, take care
Quote:My religion tells me that God made the universe. My science tells me how.

[Image: 034_p16.jpg]
I agree with Mao, we're not licensed doctors. We cannot correctly diagnose any type of illness accurately 100% of the time. Just go to the doctor man, it's your best bet on getting an accurate diagnosis. If I had to say something, I'd suggest you read this article, it may help you with the elbow pains.

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