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[TuT] 3D Animation With Photoshop [TuT]
Ok as much as I hate using Adobe Photoshop for creating 3D animations, it is a very quick and simple solution, and hopefully some of you may find it quite useful.

This tutorial will take you through step by step, creating a 3D can which will zoom and rotate. It is a very basic animation but hopefully you can do more advanced stuff once you get the hang of it.

Ok so here goes,

Step 1, Creating your 3D object:

> Create a new document with dimensions 300x300px.
> Make sure that your background is transparent.
> Click "3D" in your menu bar, then "New Shape From Layer", and finally "Soda Can".

You will now have a 3D soda can in the centre of your canvas.
Next we need to make it look a bit more interesting, I won't go into much detail here but I will show you how to add a material and that should be enough to get you through for now.

> Click "Window" in your menu bar, and select "3D".

You are now presented with your 3D Object settings. This looks a little complicated but don't worry, once you know your way around it, it's really quite simple.

> At the top of the 3D window, you have 4 icons. Select the 3rd Icon from the right which will display the "Materials" settings.

[Image: 3D1.jpg]

By default, you will have the "Label Material" selected. Now there are some pre-set materials which you can use if you click the arrow down next to the sphere icon, but for this tutorial, we will be adding our own.

> Next to the sphere icon, where it says "Diffuse", click the arrow down and select "Load Texture".

[Image: 3D2.jpg]

At this point it is totally up to you which texture you choose, for this example I'll be adding a random flame image that I found.

You can also do the exact same thing for the "Cap Material" but now I'll move on to actually animating it with Photoshops 3D animation tools.

Step 2, Animating your 3D object:

> Close your 3D object manager as you won't be needing it any more.
> Click "Window" on your menu bar, and select "Animation".

Now you will be presented with your Animation Manager.
Usually by default it will open up showing frames; for this tutorial, you will need to use a time-line instead. To change to time-line mode, simply click on the icon at the bottom right of your animation manager.

[Image: 3D4.jpg]

Now in your time-line, you will have your layer, probably named "Background".

> Click the arrow down located to the left of your layer name.

Now you have a few options, the only 2 we will be using, are:
"3D Object Position" & "3D Camera Position".

Click the stopwatch icon next to both of these options, and you will now have a key frame added to each at the start of your animation time-line.

[Image: 3D5.jpg]

Firstly, select "3D Object Position", it should now be highlighted and ready to use.

Now if you look towards the bottom of your tool bar, you will see some 3D tools that you can use. Select the icon which looks like this:

[Image: 3D6.jpg]

Now all you need to do, is rotate your can so that the bottom is facing towards your screen.

Now, move your time-line indicator so that it is on "01:00f", and rotate the can to the position you would like it to be in once the animation is finished playing. A new key frame will automatically be added, and if you press play, you will see your can rotating.

Next up, we need to do the "3D Camera Position".
Below the icon for the 3D Object tools in the tool bar, are the 3D Camera tools. Right click the icon and select the Zoom tool.

[Image: 3D8.jpg]

Move your time-line indicator back to the beginning of your time-line, and zoom your object out to the point where it looks like a small dot.
Next, move your time-line indicator back to "01:00f" and zoom your object in to the size you would like it to be when the animation has finished playing. This will automatically add a new key frame.
Your time-line should now look something like this:

[Image: 3D.jpg]

Press play and your animation is done!

Extra Steps:

> Click the small icon located at the top right of your animation manager, select "Document Settings" and change the Duration to "0:00:01:01", and alter your Frame Rate depending on the speed you wish to have your animation at. I chose 25fps for this tutorial.

> Go to "File" > "Save for Web and Devices".
Make sure your output will be saved as GIF.
At the bottom right of the window that pops up, you have your "Lopping Options", select "Forever" seeing as it is for a GIF image.


Want to make your animation into a video?
> Go to "File" > "Export" > "Render Video".

> Under "File Options", you can choose your Quicktime Export.
Select "Quicktime Movie", and then press the "Settings" button to the right.

> Press "Settings" again in the new window that pops up.

Here are the following settings you should use:

Once you have everything set up, press OK and then hit "Render".

Hope this is of some help to you all! Oui

Heres my pathetic attempt:
Is this your guide? if yes I must say it's amazing, looks pretty cool! Good work and thanks for the share mate!
[Image: 2dmd5j.png]
(12-06-2010, 09:41 AM)simba1337 Wrote: Is this your guide? if yes I must say it's amazing, looks pretty cool! Good work and thanks for the share mate!

Yep its my guide, took about an hour to type up.

Thanks for the feedback, glad you like it.
Great tutorial Fragma!
I'm going to bookmark this and try it out later.
The plan was to drink till the pain was over, but whats worse the pain or the hangover? ♥ Kanye West.
(12-06-2010, 11:54 AM)Fragma Wrote: Yep its my guide, took about an hour to type up.

Thanks for the feedback, glad you like it.

That's awesome mate, keep it up then. By the way, you know how to make stickman animations or so as I've always wanted to do some short funny clips and share them? Sorry to ask you this in this thread.
[Image: 2dmd5j.png]
(12-06-2010, 12:31 PM)simba1337 Wrote: That's awesome mate, keep it up then. By the way, you know how to make stickman animations or so as I've always wanted to do some short funny clips and share them? Sorry to ask you this in this thread.

Yes but I wouldn't recommend using Photoshop for that.
Bumpp... I'd appreciate more comments guys. This took me bloody ages to type up.
Seems really good, now I can make a coca cola can Smile I already knew how to make the 3D object, I just never experimented around with it a lot. I'll try doing some more 3D stuff.
Great tutorial Fragma!
I'm going to bookmark this and try it out later.
nice tutorial =D

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