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my website can not be viewed in firefox. help
I have developed a website in microsoft frontpage it works perfectly fine in internet explorer in windows but people are having trouble viewing it in Firefox, mozilla and seamonkey. please help me.
The images for your backgrounds can't be found.. Maybe that's a problem?

What exactly is the trouble besides the pictures when viewing in Firefox?
the pictures just come up as a box with an x in them, and all the wording is bunched up, in a different font and has funny little boxes inbetween some of the paragraphs.

how do I get firefox to find my images? do I ha ve to upload them again or have them in a different folder or something, it works fine in IE
Well I can't get the images to load in either IE or FF, so you might want to try making sure they are all correctly uploaded..
they are all correctly uploaded. so I don't see what the problem could be. :-(
Your images are located in the /index_files directory, and when I went to the directory, I got:
Quote:Directory Listing Denied

Maybe you need to chmod the directory to 775 so it's viewable.

Dr Small
Ok, I tried going to the directory too, and got:

Directory Listing Denied
This Virtual Directory does not allow contents to be listed.

So try chmodding it to 775
Dr Small Wrote:Maybe you need to chmod the directory to 775 so it's viewable.

how do I do this
Connect to your ftp server, make sure that all the images are uploaded to /index_files and if they are, just go back to "www" or "public_html" as it is on some servers, and (depending on your ftp client) you will need to right-click on the folder /index_files and select properties. Then set chmod settings to 775

Dr Small
and if my images are not in /index_files? how do I get them there?

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