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List Your Extensions
Generated: Mon Mar 27 2006 15:18:14

GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060111

Build ID: 2006011112

Enabled Extensions: [35]
- Add Bookmark Here 0.5.5 - A

convenient way to add bookmarks.
- Advanced Dork: 1.0. - Right click a word or phrase and use Google's

advanced operators
- Backgroundimage Saver 0.1 - Save or View Backgroundimages (even if they

are protected by hiding behind transparent Gifs).
- BBCode - Adds Formating

(BBCode/HTML/XHTML/etc.) to the context menu for Blogs and forums like Mozillazine (PHPBB and others).

BBCodeXtra - Adds BBCode/HTML/XHTML commands to the context menu

ChromEdit - A Simple User Profile File Editor

ColorZilla - Advanced Eyedropper, ColorPicker, Page Zoomer and other colorful goodies.

FFMyIP 0.3 - Show user's current IP in statusbar

Firesomething 1.7.0 - All your branding are belong to Firesomething.
- Google Images

0.3 - Jumps directly to the full-size image on
- Greasemonkey 0.6.4 - A

User Script Manager for Firefox
- IE View 1.2.7 - Open pages in IE via Firefox menus

Image Toolbar 0.6.3 - Provides easy access to common image functions.
- Menu

1.2.1 - Customize application menus
- MinimizeToTray - Minimizes Mozilla

windows into the system tray
- MR Tech Local Install 4.5 - Local Install power tools for all

users. (en-US)
- Open Link Host 1.3.0 - Open the host of a link.

Password Save 0.4 - Brings up a plain text listing of your passwords

Paste Email 2.1 - Paste emails and more into text fields.

PurpleBunny 1.0.0 - Read and add comments to web pages

Reliby 1.0.0 - Reload all your Live Bookmarks

ReloadEvery 1.5.1 - Reloads webpages every so many seconds or minutes

Remove It Permanently - Permanently hide items from the Context Menu

repagination 2006.2.18 - Right click "next" or "previous" link and flatten all results to

one page. Ex. Search Results Page.
- Screen grab! 0.8 - Takes a screen shot using Java.

Search Engine Ordering 0.9 - Enables you to change the order of the search engines in

Firefox' search bar.
- Show Image 0.4.1 - Adds context menu entry to reload images that failed to show on

- Stop Autoplay 0.3.6 - Disable the autoplay of the embedded music and movie.

Tab Mix Plus - Tab browsing with an added boost.
- TabClearSearch 0.1 - Clears the

search box when a new tab is created.
- TimeTracker 1.1.1 - Keep track of the time you spend browsing.

TinyUrl Creator 1.0.1 - Convenient tool to create small url redirects from longer ones.

UnPlug 0.1 - UnPlug your Plug-ins to HTML links
- UnPlug 0.4 - UnPlug your

Plug-ins to HTML links
- URL Link 1.06.7 - Allow navigation to broken/unlinked URLs


- Firefox (default)
- Luna - Windows XP

Luna theme
- Luna Blue - Based on the Windows XP Luna theme

Noia 2.0 (eXtreme) 3.01 - Fully skinned based on Noia icon set.

Outlook 2003 Blue 1.5.3 - Outlook 2003 Theme in Blue


- Adobe Acrobat
- Adobe Acrobat Plug-In Version 7.00 for Netscape
- Authorware Web Player
- Macromedia Authorware Web

Player Netscape plug-in, version 2004
- Internet Pictures Corp. iPIX Plugin v6.2
- Netscape Plugin iPIX Viewer
- Java™ 2 Platform Standard

Edition 5.0 Update 6
- Java Plug-in 1.5.0_06 for Netscape Navigator (DLL Helper)
- MetaStream 3 Plugin
- MetaStream 3 Plugin r4
- Microsoft

- Network Object Plugin
- Microsoft® Windows Media Services
- Windows Multimedia Services DRM Store Plug-In
- Mozilla Default

- Default Plug-in
- My Web Search Plugin Stub
- My Web Search Plugin Stub for 32-bit Windows
- PCMan's IEView Plug-in for

- IEView Plug-in developed by Hong Jen Yee
- RealJukebox NS Plugin
- RealJukebox Netscape Plugin
- RealPlayer Version

- RealPlayer™ G2 LiveConnect-Enabled Plug-In (32-bit)
- RealPlayer™ LiveConnect-Enabled Plug-In
- Shockwave

- Shockwave Flash 8.0 r22
- Shockwave for Director
- Macromedia Shockwave for Director Netscape plug-in, version 10.1
- Windows

Genuine Advantage validation plug-in
- 1.5.0512.0
- Windows Media Player Plug-in Dynamic Link Library
- Npdsplay dll

Enabled Extensions: [27]
# Add Bookmark

Here 0.5.5 - A convenient way to add bookmarks.
# Allow Right-Click 0.3 - Defeats web sites' right-click prevention scripts.
# Always Remember

Password 0.3 - Makes the browser ignore web site requests to not remember passwords.
# antipagination 2005.12.21 - Right click "next" or "previous"

link and flatten all results to one page. Ex. Search Results Page. Or alternatively, right click url bar. It will stitch all the pages together. The next page is

determined by any number in the url field, plus one.
# BBCode - Adds Formating (BBCode/HTML/XHTML/etc.) to the context menu for Blogs and

forums like Mozillazine (PHPBB and others).
# ChromEdit - A Simple User Profile File Editor
# ColorZilla - Advanced Eyedropper,

ColorPicker, Page Zoomer and other colorful goodies.
# CountdownClock 1.4.1 - Displays a clock that counts down to a target date.
# FFMyIP 0.2 -

Show user's current IP in statusbar
# Google Images Re-Linker 0.3 - Jumps directly to the full-size image on
# Greasemonkey

0.6.4 - A User Script Manager for Firefox
# IE Tab 1.0.8 - Enables you to use the embedded IE engine within Mozilla/Firefox.
# Mass Installer 0.3.1 -

Quickly (re)installs all your favorite extensions.
# Menu Editor 1.2 - Customize application menus
# Minimize to Tray - Minimizes

Mozilla windows into the system tray
# MR Tech Local Install 4.2 - Local Install power tools for all users.
# Page Update Checker 0.3 - Automatically

checks to see if a web page has changed.
# Paste Email 2.1 - Paste emails and more into text fields.
# QuickNote - A note taking extension

with advanced features
# ReloadEvery 1.5 - Reloads webpages every so many seconds or minutes
# Remove It Permanently 1.0.6 - Permanently

hide items from the Context Menu
# Screen grab! 0.7 - Takes a screen shot using Java.
# Smart Middle Click 0.3 - Middle click for javascript

# Stop Autoplay 0.3.6 - Disable the autoplay of the embedded music and movie.
# Tab Mix Plus - Tab browsing with an added

# TimeTracker 1.0.6 - Keep track of the time you spend browsing.
# Web Search Pro 1.65 - Search the web the way you like.


Extensions: [1]
# Tab Preview 0.3 - Preview tab contents on mouseover

Total Extensions: 28

Big Grin
I like my extensions. C'mon everyone, list

YOUR extensions!!!

Generated: Wed May 10 2006

11:01:58 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060426

Build ID: 2006042618

Enabled Extensions: [29]
- Add Bookmark Here 0.5.5 - A

convenient way to add bookmarks.
- BBCode - Adds Formating (BBCode/HTML/XHTML/etc.) to the

context menu for Blogs and forums like Mozillazine (PHPBB and others).
- BBCodeXtra - Adds

BBCode/HTML/XHTML commands to the context menu
- ChromEdit Plus 1.5 - A User Profile File

Editor Plus... Open Profile, Install Folder, File Manager.
- ColorZilla - Advanced Eyedropper,

ColorPicker, Page Zoomer and other colorful goodies.
- DOM Inspector - Inspect the DOM of

HTML, XUL, and XML pages, including the browser chrome.
- FFMyIP 0.3 - Show user's

current IP in statusbar
- FireFTP - FTP Client for Mozilla Firefox.
- Google Images

0.3 - Jumps directly to the full-size image on
- Greasemonkey 0.6.4 - A

User Script Manager for Firefox
- Menu Editor 1.2.1 - Customize application menus

MinimizeToTray - Minimizes Mozilla windows into the system tray

MR Tech Local Install 4.6.4 - Local Install power tools for all users. (en-US)

Open Link Host 1.3.0 - Open the host of a link.
- Password

0.5 - Brings up a plain text listing of your passwords
- Paste Email 2.1 - Paste emails

and more into text fields.
- Performancing 1.2 - Performancing Extension
- Remove It

Permanently - Permanently hide items from the Context Menu
- Screen grab! 0.8 - Takes a screen

shot using Java.
- Search Engine Ordering 0.9.6 - Enables you to change the order of the

search engines in Firefox' search bar.
- Stop Autoplay 0.3.6 - Disable the autoplay of the

embedded music and movie.
- StumbleUpon 2.61 - StumbleUpon Toolbar
- Tab Mix

Plus - Tab browsing with an added boost.
- TabClearSearch 0.1 - Clears the search box when a new tab is

- Talkback - Submit a crash report to

TimeTracker 1.1.2 - Keep track of the time you spend browsing.
- TinyUrl Creator

1.0.1 - Convenient tool to create small url redirects from longer ones.
- TryAgain 1.0 - Will keep trying to load a webpage

when the server is not found.
- URL Link 1.06.9 - Allow navigation to broken/unlinked


Installed Themes: [5]
- Firefox (default)
- Luna
- Windows XP Luna theme
- Luna Blue - Based on the Windows XP Luna

- Noia 2.0 (eXtreme) 3.01 - Fully skinned based on Noia icon set.

Outlook 2003 Blue 1.5.3 - Outlook 2003 Theme in Blue


- Adobe Acrobat
- Adobe Acrobat Plug-In Version 7.00 for Netscape
- Java™ 2 Platform Standard Edition 5.0 Update 6
- Java

Plug-in 1.5.0_06 for Netscape Navigator (DLL Helper)
- MetaStream 3 Plugin
- MetaStream 3 Plugin r4
- Microsoft ® DRM
- Network Object

- Microsoft® Windows Media Services
- Windows Multimedia Services DRM Store Plug-In
- Mozilla Default Plug-in
- Default

- RealJukebox NS Plugin
- RealJukebox Netscape Plugin
- RealPlayer Version Plugin
- RealPlayer™ G2

LiveConnect-Enabled Plug-In (32-bit)
- RealPlayer™ LiveConnect-Enabled Plug-In
- Shockwave Flash
- Shockwave Flash 8.0 r22
- Windows

Media Player Plug-in Dynamic Link Library
- Npdsplay dll

(all my new extensions)
wow thats a lot of websites i think i

know a lot of them
Yeah but thats all of my


UPDATE: Just got a new extension called ReloadEvery.

I like this one its pretty like the

Here's the few that I


#Talk Back (Crash Report)
#Tab Mix Plus

#StumbleUpon Toolbar
#Minimize to Tray
#Remove it Permenatly (RIP)
#Menu Editor

Bookmark Here
#TinyURL Creator


they were all really nice to
You got some cool extensions



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