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I need help.
My boyfriend of 10 months was cheating on me for 9. I've been so upset about this, it's been a week and I cry EVERYDAY. He has left and doesn't want to talk to me anymore because of some identity issues. My friends told me to tell his girlfriend, but idk :/ What should I do? Keep in mind, it was an online relationship (don't give me hell about that) and the other girl is IRL.
Tell the other girl. If you want, let all hell loose on the person who CHEATED you. Don't cry, this is part of life.
[Image: vhc689.jpg]
do noт мaĸe мe мad. ι wιll ĸιll yoυ.
-rep me if you want to get banned! please!
Anonymous rep is for freakin cowards!
You need to move on and find another, don't waste anymore time driving down that dead end street. You will feel better when you find someone new.

You shouldn't do anything really. Even an IRL crush beats a very strong Online love, that's very simple.
The guy probably fell for that other girl IRL and because he cared for you, didn't quit know how to tell you that, so he kept it a secret, which makes him a coward, yes, but that doesn't mean you should cry or tell his IRL girlfriend.
Just move on and find someone IRL.
[Image: 2llbqr4.jpg]
(05-24-2010, 07:10 AM)Hawkins Wrote: You shouldn't do anything really. Even an IRL crush beats a very strong Online love, that's very simple.
The guy probably fell for that other girl IRL and because he cared for you, didn't quit know how to tell you that, so he kept it a secret, which makes him a coward, yes, but that doesn't mean you should cry or tell his IRL girlfriend.
Just move on and find someone IRL.

I agree I guess, but he hurt me. Like he knew he was doing so and yet he continued. We have broken up many time before and we get back together, and he was always willing to take me back when he knew he doesn't love me. I have told him many times that its just online and fake, he replys with crap like no its not I love you BLAH BLAH. I didn't even get an apology from him and your telling me to just let him go and do nothing about it?
Fear of confrontation is a very powerful thing. That's probably the thing that stopped him from telling you all that, even though it's just online.
And also, if you think it's just online and fake, why all the fuzz ?
[Image: 2llbqr4.jpg]
Thats what I thought in the beginning, but things changed when i started to really love him and he made it sound so real.
Ohhh, I understand now, and I know the feeling. A long serious talk about this matter with him would be a smart thing to do.
[Image: 2llbqr4.jpg]
I'd love to have a long serious talk however, he doesn't sign in on msn anymore. Plus he wouldn't talk. He'd just ignore me or say something like hmm k aha crap like that. FML
That tells you something, doesn't it ?
-Just move on girl, not much else you can do.
[Image: 2llbqr4.jpg]

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