04-08-2010, 12:27 PM
(04-07-2010, 09:42 PM)johngianni Wrote: Like everyone says, "Crack Open the books" It is a simple answer that fits problems such as these. Unless you are born with the knowledge it will be a breeze and sometimes you never need to study as much. I am glad I did not take after my Father in academics and took after my Mom. However, you shouldn't be unmotivated if you do not think you are smart as everyone has that talent in them. You just need to have the potential to learn and work hard.
I believe we all have our own natural talents and those who are not "book smart" just were given talents in other areas. No one talent is necessarily better than another, just different.
For example, I have absolutely ZERO artistic talents and can't draw to save my life because I can't visualize something in my head. I've taken classes, and tried all kinds of things -- it's never going to happen. However, I can pick up musical instruments and learn them quickly, as well as dance steps and sing like a bird. My X was the exact opposite. He could draw anything and was absolutely amazing, but he couldn't dance and couldn't be taught because he had no rhythm and couldn't follow the beat and couldn't sing because he was completely "tone deaf". We both finally learned to accept our limitations.
The secret to success is to figure out where your talents lie, and how to make the best use of them.