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Your name?
My mommy gave me my name
Because it's your real name.. lol.
Agent Smith is the AI program in the Matrix programmed to keep order within the system by terminating troublesome programs and human avatars which would otherwise bring instability to the simulated reality. To this end, Smith possesses the ability to take control over the simulated body of any human wired into the Matrix. As an Agent, Smith possesses the ability to bend the rules of the Matrix (such as gravity and the limitations of the human body), giving him speed and strength beyond ordinary human capability. He and other Agents can dodge bullets flawlessly, punch through concrete with their bare hands, and jump impossible distances. Agents also have the ability to communicate with each other instantaneously and perceive what other humans wired into the Matrix do.

Ace because I like poker and kidd for acting like like a child :p
[Image: mynewsig.jpg]

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(10-08-2009, 01:51 PM)MreGSX Wrote: Mre = Mystery (Obviously)

GSX = I drive a 1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX


[Image: 29ol3br.png]
(10-08-2009, 02:04 PM)Headshot Wrote: Whats so nice about 1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX's?

It's easily the best model Eclipse ever made. I love mine.
[Image: MreGSXsigcopy.png]

Just my initials.and year of birth.
It is my name.
I'm not 100% sure where I came up with the name Nighthawk, but i used it as a character name on a MUD i played.
Got mine because my friend played a prank while I was playing WCIII or Starcraft (I forget) xD And it was similar to BnetStaff and spooked me, so I made one too and It just was a great account name for shits and giggles to it's just stuck.

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