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Just another heartbreak story.
Well. I decided it was time I got this off my chest. There's this girl, that I really really like. She's gorgeous, has a great personality and is all together fun to be around. It was about yesterday or so that I found she actually sort of liked me back; which was absolutely great. So what did I do? That's right, I got my hopes up. I went to school today, as I usually do. She started acting a little different towards me, because we both knew that we liked each other. The strange thing is, it wasn't an awkward way she was acting in, far from it. Everything she did just seemed so flirty. For example; at school, everyone hugs everyone. But when she hugs me, she usually runs and jumps on to me or something. But today; she was hugging for like, 3 minutes. And we were like half walking as she was hugging me. It was great. We also had drama class during period 3 and 4. Which goes for an hour. For about the first 10 minutes or so we were told to just sit back on the floor, and relax as our teach was talking to us. For most of the time, she was leaning back on me, sort of, lying on me and using me as a support shaft. After school we had a barbeque back at school 2 hours later. As a parent information type thing. We were hanging out on the oval, just mucking around with friends. The weird thing is when I went to say goodbye to her when it was time to leave, she said to me:
Quote:Oops, I bit my arm instead of your neck.
Thinking it was just something like as a joke / muck around type thing. Like everonye does. But I was wrong. She was being serious. As she leant back into our hug, I felt her lips and teeth on the side of my neck. Sort of like a love bite. It was incredible, but I was confused at the same time. Everyone started to leave and that was the end of that. As she was walking around she was waving to the group so I waved back, and just as she left she had a smirk on her face.

Upon arriving home I signed into MSN to talk to some people. One of my best friends who is also one of her best friends told me that (in her words) "She doesn't have feelings for you besides best friend best friend best friend best friend best friend best friend type way!". I said "Oh", as the happy feeling ran out of my body in a wave of sighs. Have I done something wrong here? I thought she liked me. How can she all of a sudden change within a matter of a day. Hell, my shirt smells like her. That's how close we get. Ofcourse, she hugs everyone. But that's more of a friendly Hello hug type thing. As I stated before up above, mine's alot different.

I just feel so, annoyed. And angry. I thought we really could've gotten somewhere. I was even planning to ask her out tommorrow if she had kept the same act up. But I guess no aye. Does anyone have any support on this? Or any comments? Anything is really appreciated at the moment. Sad

At the top will be the same place you hang from.
LOL, she likes you dude. I recommend watching the movie '500 Days of Summer'. I think she fucking with your mind, girls love to tease and they love to be chased... just try and do that. That's all I know to tell you bro.

EDIT: BTW dude, why the hell you think it's over? When a girl flirts with you like that and tells you that you have to be the one who say 'HELL NO!' (not audibly), and go after her... that is if you REALLY like her....
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will.
.::The Rights of Man::.
Thanks for the support, Anon. And I really do like her. She's amazing. I'm just scared that going after her will result in more heartbreak? But I think you're right. She might just be messing with me.
At the top will be the same place you hang from.
(03-03-2010, 07:25 AM)[t]rilobyte- Wrote: Thanks for the support, Anon. And I really do like her. She's amazing. I'm just scared that going after her will result in more heartbreak? But I think you're right. She might just be messing with me.

I think you should go after her imho. You like her, and she seems to like you back. In fact, if she's flirting with you, then you know she likes you. Lol, you are clear for landing. Also, the about you going after her resulting in heartbreak, yes that is a possibility, but you have to risk it to win the biscuit.
[Image: b7yj2x.png]
I think she's beginning to like you, but is maybe unsure if she should tell everyone about it?
Thus making her tell your friend she only likes you as a friend.
Ya know?
[Image: nt94ptmobbde3zcmtx08.png]
The only thing you did wrong, was be to nice D:
Looks like you've been friend zoned! Which is a full bummer and total bs right?
Its always hard with this crap but you've go to keep in mind:
Hilltop Hoods Wrote:The world keeps turning
Alright, thank you for your support guys.

I just got back from school then, and today it all set it. Today was the awkward type of day. She was completely different today. She barely hugged me at all or even came near me, and everytime I went near her she went and talked to some other guys. Hell, I was talking to my mate and she pulled him away and said "Can I talk to you?", obviously it was about nothing. But is this the jealousy stage or something? Is she trying to make me jealous? And I agree with you Extasey, I think I was too nice. I think I've been friend-zoned. Sad
At the top will be the same place you hang from.
Don't worry bro. Theres plenty of chicks out there.
And if shes trying to make you jealouse, ignore that crap. Mind games are for fuckwits and just piss me off.
If you ignore her it will make her curious anyway. Just keep on trucking and don't even look her way. She'll come chasin after you. Just be careful your relationship doesn't end altogether.
Theres a fine line between going with the flow, and being a dick. Its also impossible to tell where that line is. Don't ignore her, but don't go out of your way to talk to her.
Get what I mean?
Yeah I get what you mean man. Instead of me going up to her to talk, let her come to me. I'll see how that works out.
At the top will be the same place you hang from.
Good luck btw. This crap is always gay. I never go into a relationship expecting it to last long anyway. I'm still young and its pretty damn obvious what I want in a relationship.

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