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Is it just me or...
(01-13-2010, 08:17 PM)bloodrain2011 Wrote: Lol you is such a kidder XD. lol

+ repped from your weird uncle Big Grin
lol ty wierd uncle...I'd +rep back but not enough posts Sad
Don't, read my sig Tongue.
lol kool crazy uncle XD
(01-13-2010, 08:54 PM)Aristotle Wrote: Don't, read my sig Tongue.
I'd rep you but I already have. That's the thing about a small community.... everybody needs more rep for the time they spend giving/providing/serving the community. Oui
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will.
.::The Rights of Man::.
yep u got a point. I prolly won't get a very high rep i'm not on here very much due to my father who think computers are for the devil! Sad lol i changed my mind you guys are like my first family...only better XD
For real, Omni isn't that much active, I would like to see him write some tutorials, would be awsome.... But hes a busy man!

And he also doesn't need to be active, we are all grown "kids" Big Grin and can handle everything by our self... ;)
The spammers are not seen all that much here and lately there were no spammers, so it's a nice community, we all agree.. .p

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