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Underappreciated people.
Recently I came across a somewhat random video, rather I came across it by searching youtube for a favourite track of mine then through an amazing turn of events went back a load of related videos, and video responses to find it.

Now, in this video I discovered the name of a new philosopher which I really wished I'd of discovered sooner, and his name is Alan Watts. Some of you may of known him before but if like me he's very new to you, then I suggest you watch a few video mash ups. Although they're mash-ups and the music can mask the real commentary at first, you'll learn to accept that he himself is the real point of interest in the videos that are made.

Alan Watts, unfortunately died in 1958. Still, though. I think he was very much ahead of his time.

Human game.
Memory Pulse.
He does this for free.
Defining yourself.
Ad Absurdum.
Light in the Universe.
Measuring the Universe.
The Silent Mind.
Reality is What it is.
Fear of Enlightenment.
Reintroducing the fool.

If you're interested I'll try (I really will because I enjoy these myself) to find more of these videos.
Very different.
(12-29-2009, 01:05 AM)Extasey Wrote: Different.
Very different.

It's a breathe of fresh air for me.
Light in the Universe was very interesting, never heard of him before.

Thanks for sharing!
What I thought was strange is that Alan Watts went to all these Eastern countries around the time of 1940-50. A time when the world was in war with the east, I think. So. I think it is a real surprise that people from then really listened to him and studied this, but now that I think about it history is over-exaggerated. That is, someone who came from Iraq to live in America now with all the stereotyped religions and backgrounds; would still be able to pursue a life with almost no prejudice based on those backgrounds.

So maybe the world really doesn't care about the wars at all.

Of course there IS Racism, and all the sorts but none of them I can really say are based on their countries politics, that is to say; people are just racist because they are, and there is no excuse at all for that.

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