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What are you views on racism?
Well, as you saw, there was a thread about racism which got way off-topic. I decided that the best option was to close it. I'm sorry if you think that wasn't the right thing to do but anyway, you can discuss your views on racism in this thread.

Please be aware that I will be moderating all posts, just like the rest of the forums. It may be the OSHIT area, but we still want quality posts in here.
[Image: 3326yvl.jpg]

I think racism is keeping human mankind from progressing. Look at the wars that have been going on with the Israelites, Suadies, Iran, Pakistan, Egypt etc.
[Image: Uhriventis.gif]
Im racist i guess.
I dont believe any color or race is better than any other rather i just call things how i see them.
If someone is black and an butthead well i will call them a black butthead.
If that makes me racist then yep im racist.
See how i used a black in my example. Just shows how racist i am lol.
Sucks to be white actually. Anything even remotely related to color or race and your labeled racist.
Look at the Hey Hey its Saturday that showed here in Aussie land recently. Damn just a bit of a laugh and the yanks go completely nuts. Smile
Thats my 2 cents worth.
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(12-24-2009, 03:01 PM)DAMINK™ Wrote: Im racist i guess.
I dont believe any color or race is better than any other rather i just call things how i see them.
If someone is black and an butthead well i will call them a black butthead.
If that makes me racist then yep im racist.
See how i used a black in my example. Just shows how racist i am lol.
Sucks to be white actually. Anything even remotely related to color or race and your labeled racist.
Look at the Hey Hey its Saturday that showed here in Aussie land recently. Damn just a bit of a laugh and the yanks go completely nuts. Smile
Thats my 2 cents worth.

I think it's nothing so much with personal views of color. You have to recolonize religions and sexual preference as well. Think of how many people died in the name of "We are right, you are wrong."
[Image: Uhriventis.gif]
yes just about to start it and Skill got it before me Smile in my original post I was also ranting about gays so let me make it clear why I don't like them. I don't mind gay ppl in general but I mean those who's appearance is screaming " look at me Im gay" .. I mean.. men.. dressed in lady clothes, wearing hideous make up, walking on the street.. really makes me wanna kick them and punch them.. and what about the little children .. asking "mommy mommy why is he dressed like aunty? " And their street parades ? Thats degradation.. not progress.. I had a lot fun watching the news when some gays organized the first gay street parade in my country and some nazis, punks and skins attacked them.. that was just 100% fun to see Smile they were throwing fireworks on them homos Smile) but anyway.. about racists.. their hate towards other races really annoys me.. i mean .. I just don't get it when somebody says e.g. " I wont buy this pack of tea because on the back there is a photo of a black woman picking tea" Its funny and in the same time sad .. Ive seen it.. Im not going to fight with anyone .. I was just affected by some things I saw online and this made me post the original thread.
(12-24-2009, 03:21 PM)BIG DEAL Wrote: yes just about to start it and Skill got it before me Smile in my original post I was also ranting about gays so let me make it clear why I don't like them. I don't mind gay ppl in general but I mean those who's appearance is screaming " look at me Im gay" .. I mean.. men.. dressed in lady clothes, wearing hideous make up, walking on the street.. really makes me wanna kick them and punch them.. and what about the little children .. asking "mommy mommy why is he dressed like aunty? " And their street parades ? Thats degradation.. not progress.. I had a lot fun watching the news when some gays organized the first gay street parade in my country and some nazis, punks and skins attacked them.. that was just 100% fun to see Smile they were throwing fireworks on them homos Smile) but anyway.. about racists.. their hate towards other races really annoys me.. i mean .. I just don't get it when somebody says e.g. " I wont buy this pack of tea because on the back there is a photo of a black woman picking tea" Its funny and in the same time sad .. Ive seen it.. Im not going to fight with anyone .. I was just affected by some things I saw online and this made me post the original thread.

You have no idea how the gay community truly is. I have a lot of gay friends and not one you would know was gay unless you were told. How many gay people do you know?
[Image: Uhriventis.gif]
Quote:You have no idea how the gay community truly is. I have a lot of gay friends and not one you would know was gay unless you were told. How many gay people do you know?

as i said i don't have anything against people who don't show off their gayness - they may be cool and probably are, just not my type of company - if your gay - ok, but you don't have to advertise your lifestyle all the time.. I was talking about those who parade with their homosexuality
Verum quaere et insaniam inveni
(12-24-2009, 03:40 PM)BIG DEAL Wrote: as i said i don't have anything against people who don't show off their gayness - they may be cool and probably are, just not my type of company - if your gay - ok, but you don't have to advertise your lifestyle all the time.. I was talking about those who parade with their homosexuality

They have to parade it- some of them. How do you think the African Americans got their segregation reform? They went the their capitals and march all the way to DC. It's a matter of being proud and comfortable with who you are- as the suicide rate for homosexuals and lesbians are very high because of unjust persecution.
[Image: Uhriventis.gif]
(12-24-2009, 03:47 PM)Uhriventis Wrote: They have to parade it- some of them. How do you think the African Americans got their segregation reform? They went the their capitals and march all the way to DC. It's a matter of being proud and comfortable with who you are- as the suicide rate for homosexuals and lesbians are very high because of unjust persecution.
African Americans were born with their skin color .. many gays turn gay just because its considered fashionable nowadays.. Imagine you have a son and he turns gay not because he was born with messed up hormones, but because he saw it on TV? how would this make you feel ? And their suicidal rate is high ? Glad to hear this - survival of the fittest is still valid.. well lately its more like survival of the smartest, but thats another topic ..

redeyepride, i bookmarked ur blog - will read it later
Verum quaere et insaniam inveni
It's a problem that won't be going away anytime soon.
It's a waste of energy, time and life.


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