I just start up my computer and I see this little icon (red circle with a white line) at the update manager to the left of the clock.
And whenI press it it says "Could not initialize the package information".
"An unresolveable problem accurred while initializing the package information
Plese report this bug against the "update-mangaer" package and include the following error message
"E:Line 55 in shell list /etc/apt/sources.list has the wrong format (dist-rendering), E:The list over Shells can't be read.
Sorry if you don't understand buy mt Linux ubuntu OS is installed in Swedish so I tried my best to translate it.
I use The Ubuntu 9 Dist.
Do you know how to fix this problem?
I just start up my computer and I see this little icon (red circle with a white line) at the update manager to the left of the clock.
And whenI press it it says "Could not initialize the package information".
"An unresolveable problem accurred while initializing the package information
Plese report this bug against the "update-mangaer" package and include the following error message
"E:Line 55 in shell list /etc/apt/sources.list has the wrong format (dist-rendering), E:The list over Shells can't be read.
Sorry if you don't understand buy mt Linux ubuntu OS is installed in Swedish so I tried my best to translate it.
I use The Ubuntu 9 Dist.
Do you know how to fix this problem?