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I look like a criminal
p.s. this is the OSHIT area - Im not complaining or showing off .. honestly idk why i posted this.. lol.. and dont tell me where should i put the p.s. Smile

Ok this thread is half-serous. In 12th grade (last year in high-school) i was framed that Im a drug dealer.. and I wasn't.. but everybody started believing the guy who was spreading the rumour. I kept telling people that Im not but the more I did the more they thought I was trying to cover it. They were like: yes, ok we know that your not (smiling devilish) So I got fed up with it and I was like: oh what the hell Ima stick with it. And I started building the image of a drug dealer just for the jokes.. and everybody was falling for it.. I don't why but lots of people tell me that I have a criminal look - Ive been called mafia, serial killer, drug dealer (as I said), gangsta (lots of times which makes me smile right now) and Im not any of these things. At first i thought all that criminal stuff is fun, until this summer when i met a real gang member (ex gang member) and we had a fight - it was ugly so i wont get into details. So after that fight Im now with a facial scar...(you werent there so dont judge on that)... yes just like that movie with Al Pacino.. so Im beginning to look more and more like a criminal without even trying to do so.. the thing is my personality is very different from my appearance - i like to read books, to talk about philosophy and Im far from pimp lol... yeah i had to say that.. although its full of hot ..well.. lets say chicks around me (with whom Ill never have sex with cuz i start talking crap whenever a good looking female is near, which makes me sad every now and then) but when I showed a photo of me between two of those hot chicks to a friend of mine he was like: aww you pimp!!
I mean common .. its like Im living in some kind of a twisted joke (and Im not the one who finds it funny) I know you dont belive but at least i hope u had fun reading that. now Im going to sleep and i didnt want this to sound like a personal blog but at least here someone will read it while in my blog there are only searchbots.
Verum quaere et insaniam inveni
That is sort of amusing. But in all honesty you did largely bring it on yourself.
If you play the plastic gangster you will eventually be called up and shown to be a fake.
I mean no offense here. I understand you did it for fun but its entirely possible you gained a rep around town as a dealer and therefor fair play for others in that field.
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You have the Deep Cover (great movie with Fishburne) complex. I don't know you but you sound like you want to turn it around. Maybe it's time for a complete style change? Starting with the external might be help. Maybe spread the rumor you were arrested so you had to change your ways because of probation. lol
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Please, correct me if i'm wrong but haven't you posted in this forum before that you are just in 11th grade?
EDIT: Nope, my bad i was wrong.
One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching.
Don't feel bad. I do too.

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[Image: Uhriventis.gif]
haha. to be honest the amount of time spent sleeping dropped critically low these days which resulted in posting threads like this. Omni thats a nice idea lol..and I should really watch that movie (when I get the time) the thing is people around me keep telling me to dress in a more decent manner but i hate looking like a decent guy.. plus thats cheating cuz Im not.. Im blending in the environment just fine - everyone around here looks like a convict lol... maybe i should go for the casual style of dressing.. but this means i have to follow the fashion trends and I hate fashion..and btw i have my photo in the local police department .. my dad gave it to them when i ran away from home cuz i was truly vexed at my parents so dad went to the popo to tell them that his little boy had gone missing.. well... its fun being me ...what can i say...

and thats me. Looking.. like a straight... G Roflmao
[Image: itsmesnitches.jpg]
Verum quaere et insaniam inveni
Take of the beanie, only criminals wear those.
MyBB Support team member.
[Image: smallsig.png]
ye but its freezing in here... if i take off the beanie my nose starts leaking and i sniff all the time and people start thinking Im on cocaine... so i guess thats the better option.. i was thinking of uploading a pic of myself looking like a star trek nerd cuz my hair is perf for this right now but then i decided that was enough acting like a clown..
Verum quaere et insaniam inveni
Just go with it, if you don't want to be called a criminal just shut them down when they say it.
"You freakin crim"
"nice one" in a blunt tone. This is a bit like saying "no."

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