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Favorite Memes.
Well this is off topic area, we should have some fun.

Let's discuss about your favorite memes.

I'll start

My favorite meme : "Yes, yes you can" guy &
"Challenge Accepted" guy.
Meme that describes you : "Foreveralone" guy.

Favorite site : Most of you must be familiar with 4chan, but I don't like it now. All are just 12 year old wannabe trolls there. I prefer going on 9gag.
Then Reddit. I don't like FJ.

You can have multiple choices for answering.
This does not mean you can troll around the forum.
If you are willing to join SF Webmasters.
9fag alert, kill it with fire, I hate 9fag and I would kill anyone who likes it ^^

Meme that describes me is Forever Alone Guy.
I don't have a favorite meme, that is for newfags.
I love 4Chan, have loved it for years and I don't see how it has gotten worse, it's still funny, just different kind of fun XD
[Image: Nyan.jpg]
I visit 4chan but not /b/
Only /x/ I knew someone would say that, but 9gag is better for my mobile browsing.
If you are willing to join SF Webmasters.

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