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Suicide Prevention
People will always care about you. Doesn't mattered you're the meanest person in the world. Everyone has a fan.
This could be extremely helpful for those in the emotional black hole.
(01-05-2012, 02:36 PM)Pikachu Wrote: You should sum it up into a paragraph.

Someone who is desperate for help isn't going to read it all.

Good TuT man.

On the contrary. Have you ever heard the expressions "I'm desperate for this..." implying the person will do anything and everything to obtain what they would like? Well the same goes here. The feeling of desperation and lack of any other options will make people read all they need to read. I can personally assure you that if someone is contemplating suicide, they won't say "Too long, didn't read". Think about it. They're here reading it for a reason.
Nice thread mate, very appreciative of life. I am glad you posted this.
Well I know 2 people who have committed suicide, and What really makes my blood boil is people who dont know them that make assumptions or voice stupid oppinions about them once the act has been done, the 1st was a work friend who stood on train tracks awaiting the train to do the job.

The second one was my ex partner who I lived with 10 years ago and only just found out a few days ago via an old friend and to say it was a shock is an understatement, when we were together she was my best friend, honest, loyal, intelligent and oh so fun loving, I had the best time of my life when we were together and broke on good terms, even when I was depressed she came to my help even though she had a new partner and helped me get back to normality.

Why she took her life (jumped from multi story car park) I will never know, and will never know what made her do it yet alone contemplate such a thing, she was also the bravest person I know, fearless.

Its a strange place to be when depressed and I doubt she thought the impact her actions would have on everyone she left behind or realised that, myself and I'm sure countless others would have done to be there for her if she had cried out for help, there is nothing I would not have done for her had she reached out.

Then theres comments from idiots who never knew her ranging from calling her selfish or just no understanding at all.

Dont judge people
Dont turn your back on people who need help.
Dont get angry with people, especially friends and family.
Give a smile to a stranger.
Be friendly to everyone, even if its not returned.
Make the most and enjoy every moment in the company of others.
Make every person you talk to feel like they are the only person in the room with you.
Dont let people put down or bully others, step in and defend the people who cant defend themselves.
Dont ever call anyone a misery, they may have good reason to be, so do all of the above, it may have a positive effect.

RIP Gina Louise Williams (Walters) always loved xxx

For anyone that feels like life is worthless, just reach out to someone, there is no shame in doing so, someone will help you, life does get better, everytime you get knocked down get up again, if people make you feel low, break contact with them and make new friends, if money gets you down its easier to overcome than many think.
Fegelein is against suicide. Why bother taking your own life? Sad
Just letting you know that I have an eBook available callled Emotional Drafting - it is full of tips, techniques and helpful strategies for a range of issues. For full details just google "emotional drafting" - all questions welcome. I have over 30 years of mental health experience. This is a sincere offer of assistance. All the best. Bob
(05-24-2012, 10:47 PM)BobbyGee Wrote: Just letting you know that I have an eBook available callled Emotional Drafting - it is full of tips, techniques and helpful strategies for a range of issues. For full details just google "emotional drafting" - all questions welcome. I have over 30 years of mental health experience. This is a sincere offer of assistance. All the best. Bob

Gday Bob.
Thanks for the offer mate.
Perhaps make a welcoming thread also mate?
The Rules!
FTW Forum <-- Home of the Damned! --> Join me On MM

Great threadSmile

this can save lives, thank you my good sir.

you are a life saver
I'd be lying if I had said that I've never considered suicide in my life, but I never attempted it, and for that I am lucky. I'm not very social, I do have friends and I've had relationships in the past, but I feel distant from everyone else, and alone when I speak my mind, as I have deep opinions. Most might say I'm weird, but that is what makes me happy ^.^. Anyway, I got over it by finding other people online who feel the same as me, and I have found people (from HF, surprisingly) that are very socially different (I don't have any disorders, BTW) and there I feel accepted. I suppose that's one of the reasons I love computers so much Tongue.

(08-07-2012, 04:32 PM)Cubs Wrote: Great threadSmile

this can save lives, thank you my good sir.

you are a life saver

I see what you did thar :o
[Image: lifesavers2.jpg]

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