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Anybody here play LoL? I'm downloading it now so reply with your usernames so I can add you!
I tried playing it once but found it very boring lol.
The sound, colours and effects are way over the top and annoying.
What's the game even about, anyways? I have several friends both online and in real life who play it, but they're really secretive, like I could ruin their strategy or something. Elo is another word for attack power, right?
Quaero gloria stellarum.
I've played it once but didn't really like it. A lot of my friends play it, though.
Just started playing LoL as well.
Hit me up.

LoL Screename: Award
[Image: it9bN47DAXncw.gif]

MSN: - Skype: strxngth - AIM:
Questions or Concerns - PM Me.
What the fudge is lol Is it a game or what?
Is that a game you download? Or is it on a website or what? Send me a link and Ill try it out.
For those who don't know;

LoL = League of Legends
I really don't like games like this for some reason. I tried sitting down to play WoW and some other game, couldn't do it.
I tried it, didn't like it... My friends say that it's one of the few games that take skill (Which I majorly disagree with) buy it seems kinda dumb

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