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Yes...a weird name but a fun game. Got it from one of those indie bundles and was well worth it.

Check the Steam page for more info:

Anyone else have it? Pretty awesome if you like shmups. Would be sweet with online co-op as well.
gaming forum for n00bs and pros alike.
i can honestly say ive never even heard of this game.
[Image: Starstrucksig.gif]
This game has been sitting in my backlog for a while, didn't even realize it was a shmup. Guess I'll have to play it now.
[Image: 3djdbar2notglowing.png]
I live not too far away from a city named Jamestown...

These games are always fun when I'm bored, I might end up buying it.
[Image: 2112strip.png]
Yeah I've never heard of the game either, I may check it out if I get bored, LOL.
I have that game, I got it from humble bundle.
I never played it though, I just got it to fill my steam games lol.
Watched the trailer, but my steam account is being gaf...
Meow Meow Meow Meow, Meow Meow Meow Meow, Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow

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