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Ok, when i put this:
//<p class="newsbar">Ignore This Bar For Now.</p>

the code still works, how can I put the code in my script, yet the system will ignore it? I tried // but that doesn't work, anything else?
// is used to comment lines
if you use that in a html file it will be shown in the source
if it is in a php file it will be ignored

and I don't really understand what you need
(10-05-2009, 07:49 PM)NinjaGeek Wrote: // is used to comment lines
if you use that in a html file it will be shown in the source
if it is in a php file it will be ignored

and I don't really understand what you need

well, I am so noob, I will need to add this command maybe later, but I will prob end up 4getting it cuz I am noob. So is there a way to keep it in the script? But I don't want the script to accually read it.
Then you are doing it right with // or you can use mulitline comment also
/* test here */


print "This is shown";

// print "Don't not execute";


the first print will be shown and the second not
in html file (files that end with .html .htm) you need to use <!-- text here -->

<!-- comment -->>
take // out then try
That still makes the code works man!
I think // is for php, but I need it for CSS and ' is for visual basic. Is anyone catching on?
And Hunt3r:
[Image: 515-samuel-l-jackson-read-the-mutha.gif]
(10-11-2009, 09:39 AM)macdonjo Wrote: That still makes the code works man!
I think // is for php, but I need it for CSS and ' is for visual basic. Is anyone catching on?

Comments in css are done via /* COMMENT */
Thank YOU! Finally, someone who knows what there talking about!
first u have to make the css for this
[Image: 2d75599e9a.png]:superman:

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