11-06-2009, 05:59 AM
Credits and Source: http://www.dreamincode.net/
Name: CHMOD Batch
Description: This function lets you batch chmod an array of files or folders.
Instructions: This function is based on the file_search class:
Set file and dir permissions appropriately. This uses php's chmod function, which requires that the permission setting be prefixed with a leading 0 as in the example.
Read more at http://www.php.net/chmod
At the bottom is the $search object using the file_search class. Read specifications in the Advanced File Search snippet to learn how to use this.
Following that is two uses of the chmod_batch function, first for files, second for directories. You can do both or comment out one or the other.
Thankyou for your reading, be happy always
Name: CHMOD Batch
Description: This function lets you batch chmod an array of files or folders.
PHP Code:
// Permissions
$file_perms = 0644;
$dir_perms = 0755;
// This object lets you search for one or more files
// in one or more directories using regular expressions
// with the option to search sub directories and ignore case.
class file_search
var $found = array();
var $dirs = array();
function file_search($files, $dirs = '.', $sub = 1, $case = 0)
$dirs = (!is_array($dirs)) ? array($dirs) : $dirs;
foreach ($dirs as $dir)
$dir .= (!ereg('/$', $dir)) ? '/' : '';
$directory = @opendir($dir);
while (($file = @readdir($directory)) !== FALSE)
if ($file != '.' && $file != '..')
if ($sub && is_dir($dir . $file))
$this->dirs[] = $dir . $file;
$this->file_search($files, $dir . $file, $sub, $case);
$files = (!is_array($files)) ? array($files) : $files;
foreach ($files as $target)
$tar_ext = substr(strrchr($target, '.'), 1);
$tar_name = substr($target, 0, strrpos($target, '.'));
$fil_ext = substr(strrchr($file, '.'), 1);
$fil_name = substr($file, 0, strrpos($file, '.'));
$ereg = ($case) ? 'ereg' : 'eregi';
if ($ereg($tar_name, $fil_name) && eregi($tar_ext, $fil_ext))
$this->found[] = $dir . $file;
function chmod_batch($array, $chmod, $display = 1)
if (empty($array))
return false;
foreach ($array as $file)
if (basename($file) == basename(__FILE__))
$perms = substr(sprintf('%o', $chmod), -4);
$fileperms = substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($file)), -4);
if ($perms != $fileperms)
chmod($file, $chmod);
$newperms = substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($file)), -4);
$message = ($newperms == $perms) ? '<b>success</b>' : '<i>fail</i>';
$message = 'no change';
if ($display)
echo "$file: $fileperms -> $perms $message<br />\n";
// Search
$search = new file_search('^.+$.php');
// chmod files found
echo '<h3>Files</h3>';
chmod_batch($search->found, $file_perms);
// chmod directories found
echo '<h3>Directories</h3>';
chmod_batch($search->dirs, $dir_perms);
Instructions: This function is based on the file_search class:
Set file and dir permissions appropriately. This uses php's chmod function, which requires that the permission setting be prefixed with a leading 0 as in the example.
Read more at http://www.php.net/chmod
At the bottom is the $search object using the file_search class. Read specifications in the Advanced File Search snippet to learn how to use this.
Following that is two uses of the chmod_batch function, first for files, second for directories. You can do both or comment out one or the other.
Thankyou for your reading, be happy always