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Help needed
Hey guys I just started to learn about python and I wanted to make a code that replies an answer to a prelisted question so what should it look like?
Good and Bad you Decide.
I guess the reply is on some website.
So you should look about the urllib2 module.
No I want to make a simple py code that when asked a predefined question will answer back with a predefined phrase.
Good and Bad you Decide.
There are better ways of doing this but I'm a bit n0ob myself, but it does the job!

#! usr/bin/env python

question = raw_input("Ask me something\n")

questionList = ["What are you", "Is this all"]
questionId = 0

answer = [["I'm a Snake, be afraid!", "Second answer for the first question"], ["Nope!"]]

for questions in questionList:
    if question == questions:
        print answer[questionId][0]
    questionId = questionId + 1

questionList is a list/array where you store your questions, questionId is used in the loop to get the right answer for the question.

print answer[questionId][0] would output "I'm a snake.." if the user types "What are you"

I've made this so it can be used with random function to output random answer for a specific question.
Thanks dude very appreciated. I'll ask you if I need any more help.
Good and Bad you Decide.

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