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How do u RIP
How do u rip a mybb theme?
Can u teach me?
I only know how to find the CSS and the Image of the theme the rest i dont know can u teach me?
If cant can u help me rip this theme
GridLines Blue
Eletrick Blu
No! You don't want to rip... Either buy the theme or wait for a "NULLED" copy to be released, ripping this persons hard work is sad, and un-voluntary, you either support theme or wait for a free version.

Ripping WILL get you into trouble, you've been warned.
[Image: signaturera.png]
zzz ok but i want to learn
anyone know
I hope you're joking.
"7. No illegal posts involving fraud, hacking tutorials or other harmful illegal activity. This includes linking to sites with such content."

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