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I am Homesick
Play some music.
Eat and go out.!
I hate being homesick. I kinda agree with devilishpsp just have fun drink some sugar and have fun and try to meet some friends.
Being homesick sucks. But I'm sure you will get over it eventually, try talking to those people you miss phone calls, emails etc.
[Image: blazin.gif]
You can bring some pictures of them to lay out on your room. You could visit them once in a while to say hi or invite them over. I myself will probably have some problems when I go to college also.
Moving into a new place, and away from everything you know and love can be tough. Try and make friends and try to find things that you can know and love in your new environment.

Good luck Smile
Try not to think about. Do something that will take your mind off the homesickness. Try watching tv or play a video game or play on the computer. Good luck, I hope all goes well.
[Image: swaganomics.png]
It happens. Just chill until you feel better.
You'll get used to your new home after a while.
Just relax and do fun things or go outside.

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  Homesick EagerToLearn 7 925 12-12-2011, 05:05 PM
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