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You Are Aloud To Get On Facebook at School Now!
Wow thats great =) Now you can talk to you friends while your at school.
No sites is blocked on my school. not even porn sites..
That's pretty cool, most schools tend to block social networking sites like facebook.
For some reason now that I am in HighSchool facebook is now blocked, it sucks
[Image: JCxFM]
When I was at high school I was able to visit any site. It may was the country.
it's great that some sites are allowed on your schools pc.. otherwise mostly other schools does not allow students to visit forums and other site which are not related to education.
Don't try to act smart... i am smarter than you...Ninja
I hope my new school's web filter isn't too strict.
Lucky, not many sites are even accepted on our computers at school.

Facebook has always been blocked here.
[Image: 03bD3.png]
Just wait, Facebook will be blocked soon enough :p I guarantee it.
Very nice. Only working websites on our computers are lame. They just opened Youtube though, thats def a plus.
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