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I cannot take this ANYMORE
You're 16, you wouldn't last a day without your parents. Who's going to cook your meals? Who's paying the bills? Who's providing you a shelter to live under? Who's providing you unconditional love? The list goes on man, your parents really love you, they do. You might not see it right now but the reality is they'd do anything to keep you.
[Image: 2.png]
Not a good idea man
Sorry to say
(08-05-2011, 01:09 AM)alabama Wrote: You're 16, you wouldn't last a day without your parents. Who's going to cook your meals? Who's paying the bills? Who's providing you a shelter to live under? Who's providing you unconditional love? The list goes on man, your parents really love you, they do. You might not see it right now but the reality is they'd do anything to keep you.

I have to agree bro, it's a very tough world out their, unfortunately Sad
This is a tough situation. I hope that as you get older things will get better.
Dude everybody fights with their parents.
Your not the only one dude. Just smoke some weed and hang out with friends.

BTW: this goes in the emotional support section
Running away is stupid.
All that will happen is you will be arrested, injured, or quite possibly killed.
I wouldn't recommend it.
Besides your 16! Only 2 more years and you can go/do whatever you want!
(08-04-2011, 03:35 PM)Reykjavik Wrote: im just not happy with them. they annoy me. just hearing their voices, seeing their faces. it depresses me.

Even after they have raised you for 16 years with food , shelter, clothes and all that?

You won't last more than a week out on your own. You can't buy a house so you won't have any bills to pay, but not having a house means you'll have to stay outside somewhere where there is a small shelter. You'll be spending your days trying to find food or ways to buy it, not to mention ways to stay away from sickness and disease with cleaning yourself. What is the point in leaving?

Usually people want attention by posting stuff like this either because:

a) They don't get enough attention to meet their desires
b) They want someone to become sympathetic for them so that they can have the sense of agreement between themselves and another, even if they may be wrong.

Otherwise, it's just a way to get opinions from others, because you really don't know what to do. You need guidance.

Think about the best choice here. They have a responsibility to maintain your life, as well as their own. Do you ever consider what they may be feeling or what they want from time to time? It's not just a one way road, you have responsibilities towards them as well. They provide for you, you can show some respect in return towards them.

I guarantee I had it a lot tougher when I was your age, and to this day i'm still not best friends with my old man. He barely spoke to me throughout my whole life, and whatever I did for him was never good enough. He was in the military so you could only imagine the type of guy he was. I'm probably 10 times better off than he ever was in his life with what i've achieved because of trying to make him proud of myself, but even now he still tells me that I could have done better. Yeah, anyone could have done better, you can't be perfect your whole life.

If I wasn't home or if I was late getting home within 2-5 mins of my expected return time, i'd get grounded for a month. If I didn't finish my chores I wouldn't be able to do anything until I was done. No exceptions. If I talked back in any kind of way i'd get a beating or something. I inherited my moms place after she passed away about a couple years ago, and there's still a hole in the bathroom door from my old man trying to punch it in one day because he was mad at me for something.

Now that he's old and has hearing loss, he's only recently been trying to spend some time with me. He's offered to take me out for steak or a beer or something, but you try and talk to him on the phone and it's like talking to a wall. He can't hear anything you tell him hardly unless you're screaming into the phone.

Another thing, you can't expect life to have it's upsides without a few downs from time to time. There's no definition of good without knowing what "bad" is. Think of the kids in Africa that have to support their entire families by themselves at the ages of 3-10 years old every day of their lives with no time for fun activities like playing Call of Duty or anything of that nature. They get to witness their parents die as early as the age of 3, or they don't even get to meet their parents.

Think of the outcome if you were to leave now. What kind of good would that do for you?
Not a good idea man
Sorry to say
Wow, I haven't ran away since I was about four.
Why would you wanna ran away from your family?Do they beat you or something like that?
Skype:therekz | | AIM:jeklenii
[Image: gMibd.png]

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