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I blush.
It's nothing to worry about.
We all blush. I have a bad problem of laughing lol I can't control it.
If you are willing to join SF Webmasters.

I would recommend pursuing a doctor about anxiety. The result of you blushing like that, as frequently as you described it to be happening, is most likely a result of becoming anxious when you're out of your comfort zone. This is normal for a lot of people. All it means is that your body has a chemical imbalance, and there are a lot of medicines that you can take to help fix this imbalance. I've had some experience with this through my fiance a few years back... She went through a really hard time with anxiety and I talked her into seeing a doctor. Now, after taking meds daily, she feels great.

The important thing to understand is that something like this could hold you back a lot in life. I'm no doctor, but I'd recommend seeking treatment for anxiety.

Good luck to you!
This happens to a lot of people but I would not worry about it.
In time it will just go away I feel like.
I use to be extremely shy and over time I just started to grow out of it and not care about what others thought about me. I use to try to wear all the cool clothes to fit in but now I am the opposite and try to stand out by wearing things never seen before and completely odd.

I know everyone probably says it but just try not to think about it and worry about it. I know its easier said then done though trust me.
[Image: odILW.png]
I used to blush too, but only ears. It was really annoying and when I was 6th grade, a doctor suggested me a surgery. It's something with blood flow or something, nothing serious but can be treated. I wouldn't worry about it, but if you want, consult with a doctor about it.

Believe me, I have a lazy eye and I run a normal life, even a better one than some of my friends do. Just be yourself and don't give a fudge about the other people opinions Smile

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