07-09-2011, 10:36 AM
am a novice to .NET so hope a non complex question wont put anyone off like with our sister forums coding boards.
am starting to develop a picture communication program for self,and fellow service users am living with-but also for anyone else who wants it.
at no cost to anyone of course,though it has been very delayed up to now due to disability slowing it down.
have made a rough paint drawing of what the layout will look like:
-have stuck a few shrunk pictures from own collection on,though havent bothered filling most picture boxes as its just for example.
the question am wondering is how to program it so that when the user clicks each picture; its name automatically appears in the textbox; to make a sentance?
--so for example,if someone clicked on a picture of themself,a picture of
a 'cinema',a picture of a 'pub' then a picture of 'afterwards',itd build a text sentance saying that they 'want to go to the cinema,and to the pub afterwards for a drink'...itd help both the user and the person theyre communicating with.
#-the overall idea with the program is to help people who communicate better through images as well as for those who also struggle to understand written language; am even hopeful it will eventually allow some people to associate language with pictures as many people with autism and LD have difficulty with this and struggle to learn even limited accepted forms of communication.
woud love to add a text to speech element to this but have studied many tuts and still cant work outr how to do it-think itll be one step at a time.
thanks,if managed to get through this.
am a novice to .NET so hope a non complex question wont put anyone off like with our sister forums coding boards.
am starting to develop a picture communication program for self,and fellow service users am living with-but also for anyone else who wants it.
at no cost to anyone of course,though it has been very delayed up to now due to disability slowing it down.
have made a rough paint drawing of what the layout will look like:
Spoiler (Click to View)
the question am wondering is how to program it so that when the user clicks each picture; its name automatically appears in the textbox; to make a sentance?
--so for example,if someone clicked on a picture of themself,a picture of
a 'cinema',a picture of a 'pub' then a picture of 'afterwards',itd build a text sentance saying that they 'want to go to the cinema,and to the pub afterwards for a drink'...itd help both the user and the person theyre communicating with.
#-the overall idea with the program is to help people who communicate better through images as well as for those who also struggle to understand written language; am even hopeful it will eventually allow some people to associate language with pictures as many people with autism and LD have difficulty with this and struggle to learn even limited accepted forms of communication.
woud love to add a text to speech element to this but have studied many tuts and still cant work outr how to do it-think itll be one step at a time.
thanks,if managed to get through this.