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Constant fighting...
Ok, so my parents have seriously constantly been fighting for the last week.... it is really starting to get on my nerves not like annoyance kind of get on my nerves like makes me sad kinda get on my nerves.. i dont know what to do.... they used to fight bad like this now it is back again.... There is constant threats of "leaving", and getting a divorce. I dont know it sucks and hurts at the same time. I was hoping they would not fight today considering it was my birthday but that didin't happen they have been fighting since i woke up at 9 this morning. Most of the time its not even over serious crap its usually stupid stuff like my mom turned off the air and it made my dad pissed. my mom left with the cigarettes for 5 minutes (not even on purpose) and it made my dad pissed...
[Image: psychois21.png]
try and talk to them and let them know what they are doing and that you do not like it,

only thing you can do is leave or hope that they change.
Well, it isn't your problem. It's your parents. They are the ones that are constantly fighting. But if you are really sick of this fighting, then I suggest that you should go and talk to both parents. Like when they are both in the living room or when you guys are eating. Tell them that you are scared of them breaking up and scared that they are going to get a divorce. And tell them how much you love them, and you want them to stop fighting.

Remind them that they were arguing even on your birthday. It's a day to celebrate. And just say what's on your mind and how you felt about it. You can't stop the fights that erupt from your parents, but you can make them open their eyes and have them notice what their doing to people around them and not just themselves.

If your parents care, they'll end their feud between each other and just go back to their normal lives.

Now, there can still be fights, but just hope for the best that it won't break out constantly.
HJT Team. Deltron <3 RDCA <3 Quintus <3
Try to talk some sense into them.
Talk to them separately.
Tell them that it bothers you and ask them to stop.
I understand how you feel because I'm going through the same thing now. I know it hurts and you should talk about it with your parents and tell them how you feel. Once they realize this situation is affecting you, I think they will do something to solve their problems or at least try to be more peaceful. I wish you good luck Smile
Well, if the fighting is this excessive, maybe a divorce is for the best. Anyways, happy birthday.
Hope you had a nice birthday.
- On topic, Make them site down with you and talk to them. Find out what is wrong and what the next steps will be.
(06-08-2011, 02:56 PM)Zumog Wrote: Hope you had a nice birthday.
- On topic, Make them site down with you and talk to them. Find out what is wrong and what the next steps will be.

I don't think that he should sit and talk with them, I think just his parents need to sit and talk to each other.
Tell them how you feel and tell them if they're having problems with each other they need to sit down and talk to each other about it instead of ruining your birthday.
[Image: gfxbanner.png]

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