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Hell, why not, this forum seems like the place to post this..

I've been an Atheist for around 2 years now, and I've got me a little problem. I live in a town where if you're not Christian, you're an outcast. I've never been asked what my religon is until around a week ago, and I told them plain out I'm atheist. Some of the people I was in the group with asked if my family was atheist, why I turned atheist, stuff like that. The others either stared at me in disgust or started focusing on the school work we were given. All of the people were good friends, we all hung out at least weekly together, and a majority of them I sat next to at lunch, during periods, etc. Now they hardly talk to me, and how we used to fudge around during classes no longer happens(We use to pull pranks on other kids and the teachers).School's been out for a week and only one of them has made any communication with me, and that was asking for a number of an ex girlfriend of mine. Basically, do you think they're avoiding me because of my religon or am I just being overly paranoid?

I'm not sure they avoid u because of ur religion.I mean I would never do that.I don't believe too and nobody doesn't care about if you believe or not here.You should wait one week and see what'll happen.If things will remain same try ask them if they avoid u because of ur religion
[Image: masterfan25805212672368.png]
Strange Music
You know every man has a nature of character,almost in each religion there are some good people and some are bad.we can't guess what your friends are thinking about you.
I think you can read from their faces,if they are really negohiot you for religion then this is pretty much bad thing to do.
Wow that sucks, Thank god all of my friends are atheist.
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You should ask them if you really want to know. It probably isn't a coincidence that they stop talking to you as soon as you tell them you're an atheist.
Odd, Christianity would discourage being a jerk to people who do not believe the same.

If this is a case of them not being friends with you just because you're an atheist then you should confront them about it. That's no reason not to be a friend with somebody.

I'm Christian, and so are most of my friends. To my knowledge, none of us judge people by their beliefs. Honestly, we (or at least I) don't care if you believe in God or not, as long as you're a good person. When we talk about a certain atheist friend or ours amongst ourselves, we usually say that he/she doesn't believe in God, but he/she does His will.
Quote:My religion tells me that God made the universe. My science tells me how.

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I'm sorry for the idiocy of my fellow Christians. Being atheist is your choice and you shouldn't be treated any differently for it. Also do not blame your peers for their behavior they are simply behaving the way that they see the others around them behave to atheists. Let them warm up to it. Also, atheism is not a religion but a lifestyle choice.
[Image: 20kdvmw.gif]
They arnt your true friends if they quit talking to you completely because of your religion.

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