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My situation, what's the smartest thing to do?
Hello SF,

It's been a while now since I posted here. before I felt like my life wasn't worth anything and was depressed all day long but it's getting on better no, but this isn't the thing that I need an advice of.

The thing is that me and also my schoolmate(great friend) are basically getting some kind of bullied by someone who's also our schoolmate. he's just a little bit higher than me and my friend but he's also fat but not as weak. Well, he decided to bully us both like months ago for really no reason, till now I didn't done nothing against it and I'm and him(friend) are really getting annoyed by this and it won't take long till I will hit back hard till he bleeds unless he do this to me. I tried to make friends with him but nothing worked, I been friendly to him but he still contiunes with this, he basically push me away, kick or knock me somewhere for no reason at all. I usually say something back or just walk away or tell him to stop it but he still keep on doing it. I'm not the type of guy who just hit back when he get knocked somewhere unless he really hits me hard somewhere.

My question would be what's the smartest thing to do? I don't like to get parents involved into this nor teachers since I would look dumb or atleast I think so.

For more information I'm anyway changing the classes next year since I don't like the thing I'm studying for now(Highschool..) so I won't be his schoolmate anymore and will see him rarerly.

Please I don't want comments like me being a pussy but I don't want to fight for no reason.
[Image: 2dmd5j.png]
Well self defense isn't fighting for no reason, it's not only legal it's perfectly valid and acceptable, you can't let him push you around, it will just continue and others may even join in, seeing you as an easy target.

It's the sad reality of it.

Personally, I think you and your friend should work him over a bit to let him know you're sick of it.
(04-06-2011, 01:28 PM)Swat Runs Train Wrote: Well self defense isn't fighting for no reason, it's not only legal it's perfectly valid and acceptable, you can't let him push you around, it will just continue and others may even join in, seeing you as an easy target.

It's the sad reality of it.

Personally, I think you and your friend should work him over a bit to let him know you're sick of it.

Thank you for your advice, my friend also told me he want to beat him up one time since he got enough of it, like I do. So should we together fight him back?
[Image: 2dmd5j.png]
Mind me asking how old you are? Changes the situation a bit...
I don't splel check.
I assume they are high school or middle school.

I would if I were you talk to a teacher for advice. It's part of their job to help students when asked. I'd avoiding getting parents involved unless you feel the need to (i.e threatening you or severely harassing you). Your teacher(s) should be able to point you in the right direction.

Or a school counselor, I think they bound by law to keep confidentiality unless someone's life is in danger ;)
We all have things we want to say, but not publicly. We all need help with them at one point. If you want a private conversation or seek private help, send me a PM.
You can't always rely on violence to solve situations. I don't know about you, but if you fight, you would be suspended for a week and fail the quarter.

If it's self defense, and you do know how to handle yourself in a fight, then go for it. If you DO get suspended or get in trouble for fighting, then say it was for self defense. You can't get in trouble for defending yourself against a "bully" unless the principal is very stupid.

My best bet, would be to find a teacher or your parents and talk to them. Yeah you don't want to get them involved, but what are you going to do about the bully?

My suggestion is to contact an adult at first, and if nothing works then resort to self defense. Just make sure that you can handle the bully when you fight, because he'll get mad when he gets hit...
HJT Team. Deltron <3 RDCA <3 Quintus <3
Well..I recommend you seek revenge in the sweet way..Well..maybe use your computer knowledge to get the crap outta him on the cyber world--->which has a much bigger reach!!
Or if you are friends with his tell them the situation..ask for help...the situation would be better if you befriend his enemies!!
Or maybe you guys should get to him when he least expects you!!
Pin him down to the ground so that he cant move..bring your fist really close to his bloody face..and tell him to leave you alone!!
PS:Anger is a pre-requisite..I once had gone with a friend when I was in High school..he went up to him..we pushed the bully against the wall and my head kinda hit on the window..and this dumbass friend of mine started smiling goofiliy!!
:| not a very good situation to be in when you go for a fight..
and if u plan on violence,always keep this in mind:Once you know its gonna be physical,BE THE FIRST ONE TO STRIKE!!
[Image: 52I4m.png]
I'm 15, soon to be 16 in Novemember. I've realized that I will leave as it is since it's nt this hardcore bullying, he's doing it for attention(he doesn't get it) and he's a pussy in my thoughts since he only try to bully people who are smaller than him, like today someone else slaped him(but not hard) and he was like mad, almost started crying. Basically I think he's not a really bully, just some attention seeking person. I'll only need to be his schoolmate for a month or two and then I switch the classes anyway(not because of him, it's because I don't like the school).
[Image: 2dmd5j.png]
(04-08-2011, 07:09 AM)simba1337 Wrote: I'm 15, soon to be 16 in Novemember. I've realized that I will leave as it is since it's nt this hardcore bullying, he's doing it for attention(he doesn't get it) and he's a pussy in my thoughts since he only try to bully people who are smaller than him, like today someone else slaped him(but not hard) and he was like mad, almost started crying. Basically I think he's not a really bully, just some attention seeking person. I'll only need to be his schoolmate for a month or two and then I switch the classes anyway(not because of him, it's because I don't like the school).

NO! FORCE YOUR ANGER AND KILL HIM. For one must learn how to kill and seek revenge for eternity.

Nah I'm just kidding. That's good. At least you are making a good decision.
HJT Team. Deltron <3 RDCA <3 Quintus <3
You need to realize that you will be separated from this person soon.

For the time being, just ignore him. It will get better the less you pay attention to the bully.

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