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Innapropriate Material: How Long Can It Be Hidden?
Hello guys, I really wanted to bring this particular subject to the attention of everyone. I am unsure of how much longer we can hide inappropriate material from children 12 and under. This regards, sexual references/adult content, profanity, violence and gore in movies, video games, media in general etc. I am dedicating this thread to this subject truly and think something should be done because anybody can access porn easily (too much on internet to hide), my poor six year old brother is watching my play Call Of Duty and Bulletstorm + Gears of War. He asks me "Can I play that video game!" I tell him to get out of the room (I play games in the living room, so he watches me...). I had faped to sexy models on my puny cell phone when I was 11, simply too easy to access porno. Back on subject all of these things, swearing in explicit songs and sexual references -- oh how these kids hear everything and don't even know the meaning. I see billboards with "Are you addicted to Sex?" -- WOW, hold the phone, did you say "Sex!" Come on there are 5 year olds spelling words learning the alphabet passing by these billboards, now asking their parents "Momy, what does Sex Mean?" or "Dady whats sex?". I am extremely concerned and this has been on my mind for a long time, this is just one of those interesting thoughts I have to share with SF.

My Concluding Statements To You Is:
  • How much longer do you think it will be till 3(1/2)-6 year olds in America (not those fudged up 3rd world countries) would ask there mom whats sex, fudge, vagina, weed, porn, titties (excuse my language) because the way it is becoming to look, 80% of kids now know the 2nd-3rd grade are knowledgable of the F word.
  • Where do you think this world is going in the dirty realm regarding the ability to hide these things from kids?
  • How do you think we can prevent this for future generations?

Thank you for reading this post, because this is, with no doubt, a serious subject.
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I for one wouldn't hide it from my kids, everyone knows kids naturally gravitate towards the unknown/forbidden.
YEA I wouldn't hide it from mine because It is natural you think God hid from Jesus what sex was? No joke it is how humans are made when it's ready for them to know about 9-10 depending on what kid if they are gonna be like OMG!! Or if they will be like wow really?
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I really wont try and hide my kids from violence, porn, anything like that. i have been watching gory movies since i was FIVE. i wont care if my kid cusses to much once he gets into his teenage years as long as he doesnt do it around me and his/ her mom. i wont try and hide porn, however i will strongly discourage it. I wont allow drugs at all..... but i wont try and hide them but if i find them using them i def. will have punishment. its part of life and will happen, why try and hide it? i will teach my kids how to fight, how to knife fight, and how to shoot all in case of self-defense situations.... i know how to do all three right now although i hope i never have to use them, and i hope my kids wont ether. once my kid hits like 10 or so i will buy them any games they want as long as they understand IT IS JUST A GAME FOR GOD SAKE!! thats what i had to understand to be able to play, i was around the age 8 of 9 when i got my first grand theft auto.
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You can't really hide children from innapropriate material from the Internet, but the parents can enforce it at their homes as much as possible. This is a really nice share and very much true.
Great topic.

- In third-world and first-world countries with morally conservative, oppressive governments, everything remotely connected to sex or the reproductive system - romance, flirtation, changes during puberty, even breast cancer diagrams - are censored. This has led to dysfunctional social attitudes towards sex: for example, first-world Arab societies have trouble acknowledging female desire or sexuality. Personally, I think that politics and religion need to be taken out of sexual education. There is nothing wrong with educating children on their bodies or the criminal industries that they need to beware of. Ignorance is more dangerous.

- The widespread reach of the internet means that the issue is no longer about hiding or concealing sex from children. It is about creating authorised, responsible sources for sex education.

- Future generations cannot be prevented from accessing unauthorised and authorised sources.
Why does america hide it from their children as long as they can? I have 5 children and they are all boys. When I went to my oldest son (when he was 9,and is now 19) and wanted to have the uncomfortable talk to him about the sex thing,I was literally shocked and amazed about what he allready knew. From then on the conversation of it became second nature to all my kids. With great knowledge comes great responsibility. So the more they know about it the more responsible they will be. Its worked for me, like I said my oldest is 19 and I'm not a grandpa yet and they have no std's so my theory can't be that off.
It's not to so much that kids know and are curious about these things, but that they're actually educated about them. You'd be surprised as to how much kids know these days (as ovelayer is saying), properly teach your kids and they shouldn't have any problems. I've seen alot of stuff and have been offered drugs, alcohol, sex, the like, but I never take it because my parents have instilled a deep sense of morales in me that can't be changed.

We were on a vacation once with my cousin (10 years old) at Las Vegas walking down the street, if you've ever been there you'll know that there are sex ads littering the streets. His dad noticed him trying to ignore most of the ads while walking down the street and told him to "look at them because you're a big boy now", not to mention he gave him that confident smile. He refused as he knew it was wrong.

It's great that countries are at least trying to taboo these things, but after a certain age you can't hide it anymore unless you child is home-schooled and has never been exposed to the outside world. Proper education and parenting play a large role in "inappropriate materials".
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If the sky is the limit, then I'll build a bridge up to it. If I make it back, I'd still want more, more. - Craig Owens
Honestly, I think that the reason we have so many teens getting pregnant, and have so many STI's is because people are NOT educated. The younger you teach 'em, the better, IMO.
[Image: Zephie_Sig_by_GKmero.png]
In all honesty, telling somebody they're not supposed to do something just makes them want to do it even more. They get that good feeling when you know you're doing something bad.

In my opinion, it really doesn't matter what age they're subjected to it, as long as when they do they understand that it is not right. I grew and discovered things for myself. By 6th grade I knew everything "bad" there was to know, and I turned out fine (at least I think so Smile).

What I'm saying is that while children's brains at younger ages are more susceptible to manipulation, it is inevitable that they will come across it sooner or later, it's just inevitable. When it does their parent/guardian needs to explain it to them if needed so they don't start confusing what's right and what's wrong.
I don't splel check.

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