Something that I do with my passwords is called mirroring and this is how you do it.
Let's say your password is "Computer"
First thing you do is mirror it so it would turn into "ComputerretupmoC"
Then in the mirrored version I always symbol it up so my password would end up something like this "Computerr3tupm0C".
This is a very useful way to use passwords because it is as easy to remember as your original password and as far as I know there are no brute force programs out there that mirror passwords (yet). It also extends the length of your password greatly as you can see above it took a 8 character password and changed it into a 16 character password
A few things to remember:
Symbols and Caps don't make you safe. There are brute force programs out there that have symbol dictionaries and lists so if your password is 1L1k3p13 (I Like Pie) it can be cracked.
The longer your Password is the harder it will be to be cracked by man or machine.
Always use Caps and Symbols if you can even though they can be cracked they make it much harder.
I know I used "Computer" as an example of a password in my short tut but, really it would be an easy one to crack so please don't use it although when mirrored it makes a pretty good password as you can see so mirroring common ordinary words and throwing some symbols in there can make a decent password.
Never, ever put any thing that is personal to you in a password such as dates, pet names, cities, schools, kids names anything like that. There are people out there called "Social Engineers" that can get info off of you by means of facebook/myspace, Aim/Trillian/MSN/Skype, or just everyday face to face chat that can figure out passwords by getting your personal information off of you.
If you use these techniques and warnings that I posted above you should be okay when it comes to having safe personal data.
I hope I helped someone and please feel free to ask any questions.
Let's say your password is "Computer"
First thing you do is mirror it so it would turn into "ComputerretupmoC"
Then in the mirrored version I always symbol it up so my password would end up something like this "Computerr3tupm0C".
This is a very useful way to use passwords because it is as easy to remember as your original password and as far as I know there are no brute force programs out there that mirror passwords (yet). It also extends the length of your password greatly as you can see above it took a 8 character password and changed it into a 16 character password
A few things to remember:
Symbols and Caps don't make you safe. There are brute force programs out there that have symbol dictionaries and lists so if your password is 1L1k3p13 (I Like Pie) it can be cracked.
The longer your Password is the harder it will be to be cracked by man or machine.
Always use Caps and Symbols if you can even though they can be cracked they make it much harder.
I know I used "Computer" as an example of a password in my short tut but, really it would be an easy one to crack so please don't use it although when mirrored it makes a pretty good password as you can see so mirroring common ordinary words and throwing some symbols in there can make a decent password.
Never, ever put any thing that is personal to you in a password such as dates, pet names, cities, schools, kids names anything like that. There are people out there called "Social Engineers" that can get info off of you by means of facebook/myspace, Aim/Trillian/MSN/Skype, or just everyday face to face chat that can figure out passwords by getting your personal information off of you.
If you use these techniques and warnings that I posted above you should be okay when it comes to having safe personal data.
I hope I helped someone and please feel free to ask any questions.
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